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Enstad City Hall - Lávarost Valanya

Enstad City Hall, or Lávarost Valanya in the Elven tongue, stands as a beacon of law, governance, and elven craftsmanship in the capital city of Celene. Located at the southeastern edge of Rainbow Fountain Square, this grand edifice serves as the central hub for political and administrative affairs within Enstad. The hall embodies a blend of dwarven sturdiness and elven elegance, symbolizing the unity and cooperation between these ancient races. It is a place where decisions that shape the future of Celene and its allies are made, and where the delicate balance of power and diplomacy is maintained.

Architecture and Design

A Fusion of Dwarven Craft and Elven Elegance
Lávarost Valanya is a testament to the architectural collaboration between the dwarves and elves. Originally constructed with the sturdy hand of dwarven builders, the structure has since been adorned with the delicate artistry of the elves, making it a symbol of the harmony between these two cultures.
Key Architectural Features
  • Dwarven Foundation: The building's foundation and core structure are of dwarven origin, with strong stonework that provides durability and a sense of timelessness.
  • Elven Enhancements: Wooden carvings, intricate sculptures, and an abundance of plants and flowers have been added by elven artisans, softening the building's robust lines and integrating it into the natural surroundings.
  • Rainbow Fountain Square: The hall's location at the southeastern side of this central square ties it into the heart of Enstad’s public life, making it a focal point for the city's residents.

History of Lávarost Valanya

From Dwarven Stronghold to Elven Governance
The history of Enstad City Hall reflects the broader history of Celene, from its early days as a dwarven settlement to its current status as the capital of an elven kingdom. The hall has served many purposes over the centuries, evolving with the needs of the city and its rulers.
Early Construction
  • Dwarven Origins: The original structure was built by dwarven masons as a defensive stronghold during the early settlement of Enstad, before the city became the capital of Celene.
  • Elven Transformation: With the rise of Queen Yolande and the establishment of Celene as an independent elven kingdom, the hall was transformed into a center for governance, with elven craftsmen adding their own touches to the building.

Leadership and Organizations

The Guardians of Celene’s Future
Lávarost Valanya houses the key figures and organizations that govern Celene. It is the seat of power for the city's leaders and the headquarters of various administrative bodies that manage the day-to-day affairs of the kingdom.
Key Leadership
  • Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty: Though her primary residence is in Lúthienanor, the Royal Palace, Queen Yolande frequently presides over important meetings and ceremonies at Enstad City Hall.
  • The Council of Lords: This body, composed of representatives from the major elven clans, meets regularly in the hall to advise the queen and pass laws that affect the kingdom.
  • Knights of Luna: Led by Prince Brightflame (Melf), this organization plays a significant role in the governance of Celene, advocating for greater involvement in the affairs of the Flanaess and maintaining vigilance against external threats.

External Relations and Diplomacy

A Nexus of Political Activity
Lávarost Valanya is central to Celene’s interactions with other nations and regions. The hall is where foreign diplomats are received, and where the complex web of alliances and rivalries is managed.


Lávarost Valanya, or Enstad City Hall, is more than just a building; it is the heart of elven governance, culture, and diplomacy in Celene. Through its halls pass the decisions that shape the future of the kingdom, and within its walls, the traditions and wisdom of the elves are preserved and upheld. As the challenges facing Celene continue to grow, Lávarost Valanya will remain a bastion of strength, guiding the elves through the trials ahead and ensuring that their legacy endures for generations to come.
Enstad City Hall by 3orcs
"Lávarost Valanya: Guardian of Celene’s Legacy"

Figures of Influence

The hall is frequented by some of the most influential figures in Celene, from high-ranking nobles to military leaders and foreign diplomats. These individuals play crucial roles in shaping the policies and future of the kingdom.
Key Figures
  • Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty: The Faerie Queen herself is the most notable presence, often seen in the hall during major political events.
  • Prince Melf Brightflame: A key advisor to the queen and leader of the Knights of Luna, Melf is a regular visitor to the hall.
  • Onselven: The queen’s chief advisor and cousin, who plays a significant role in the day-to-day governance of Celene
Ministry / City hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs


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