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The Moonlit Market - Enstad

The Moonlit Market is a bustling, mystical marketplace located within the enchanted elven city of Enstad in the kingdom of Celene. This market is unlike any other, where vendors from across Celene and the Feywild gather to sell their rare and exotic wares. From exquisite elven crafts to potent magical items, the Moonlit Market is a treasure trove of wonders, offering goods that cannot be found anywhere else in the Flanaess. The market operates under the gentle glow of Sehanine Moonbow’s light, giving it an otherworldly ambiance that draws visitors from all walks of life.

Physical Description and Location

An Enchanted Marketplace Under the Moonlight
The Moonlit Market is located in a secluded, mystical glade within the city of Enstad, surrounded by ancient trees that glow faintly with bioluminescent moss. The market operates exclusively at night, when the moon is high in the sky, casting its silver light over the stalls and pathways.
Key Features of the Market
  • Stalls and Tents: The market is filled with elegantly designed stalls and tents, each adorned with elven runes and fey symbols. The tents are made of shimmering fabrics that change color with the phases of the moon, adding to the market’s magical atmosphere.
  • Pathways: The cobblestone pathways that wind through the market are inlaid with silver and glow softly, guiding visitors through the maze of vendors. Enchanted lanterns hang from the branches above, casting a gentle light that enhances the ethereal ambiance.
  • Central Fountain: At the heart of the market stands a fountain crafted from moonstone, with water that glows with an inner light. This fountain is dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow, and it is said that those who drink from it are blessed with prophetic dreams.

Lore and History

A Market Steeped in Legend
he Moonlit Market has a long and storied history, deeply rooted in the elven and fey cultures of Celene. It is believed that the market was established centuries ago by an elven princess who wished to create a space where the elves and fey could trade freely and share their knowledge.
Founding Legend
  • The Tale of Aerlindë: According to legend, the market was founded by Princess Aerlindë, a beloved daughter of the elven king, who was inspired by a dream sent by Sehanine Moonbow. In the dream, the goddess showed her a place where the fey and elves could come together in harmony to trade and share their wisdom. Aerlindë followed the vision and established the market in a hidden glade, which became known as the Moonlit Market. 
  • A Gathering Place for the Fey: Over the centuries, the market has become a favored gathering place for fey creatures who travel from the Feywild to trade their goods and offer their services. It is said that on certain nights, the veil between the worlds is thin, allowing fey beings to pass freely into Celene.

Vendors and Characters

Exotic Wares and Enigmatic Merchants
The Moonlit Market is home to a diverse array of vendors, each offering unique and rare items that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. These merchants are as varied as the goods they sell, with many hailing from distant lands or otherworldly realms.
Notable Vendors
  • Lúthwen Silverleaf, the Elven Artisan: Lúthwen is a skilled elven craftswoman known for her intricate jewelry and enchanted weapons. She has long, silver hair that cascades down her back, and her eyes are the color of twilight. Lúthwen’s stall is filled with delicate rings, necklaces, and weapons, each imbued with subtle enchantments. Her motivation is to preserve the ancient elven art of crafting, and she is deeply connected to the traditions of her people.
  • Thalorion Brightbark, the Sylvan Herbalist: Thalorion is a Sylvan Elves with deep green eyes and a crown of ivy woven into his chestnut hair. He sells rare herbs and potions, many of which are harvested from the deepest parts of the Gnarley Forest. Thalorion is a member of the Old Faith, and he offers his wares as a means to protect and heal the natural world. His relationships with the druids of the forest ensure a steady supply of the rarest ingredients.
  • Mirelda of the Feywild, the Enigmatic Enchanter: Mirelda is a fey merchant from the Court of Stars in the Feywild. She is a petite, delicate figure with opalescent skin and wings that shimmer in the moonlight. Mirelda offers a variety of magical items, from enchanted mirrors to potions of etherealness. Her motivation is to maintain the delicate balance between the Feywild and the material plane, and she is known for her cryptic advice and mysterious bargains.

Relationships and Current Events

A Market at the Heart of Celene’s Challenges
he Moonlit Market is not just a place of commerce; it is a hub of information and influence. The current political tensions in Celene, particularly the closed borders and the rise of external threats, have had a significant impact on the market.
Key Relationships
  • The Royal Court: The market has always had a close relationship with Luthienanor: The Royal Palace of Celene. Members of the court often visit the market to purchase rare goods or seek counsel from the fey merchants.
  • The Fey Grand Court: The market serves as a meeting place for members of The Fey Grand Court of Celene, who use it as a neutral ground to discuss matters that affect both the Feywild and Celene.
  • The Old Faith: The druids of The Old Faith have a strong presence in the market, particularly through vendors like Thalorion Brightbark. The market is a place where they can meet with allies and discuss the protection of the natural world.
Current Events
  1. Closed Borders: The Queen’s decision to close Celene’s borders has made it difficult for some vendors to acquire certain goods, particularly those from human lands. This has led to an increase in the value of certain items and has sparked tension among the market’s vendors.
  2. Rise of Iuz: The growing threat of Iuz has led to an increase in demand for protective enchantments and weapons. Vendors like Mirelda have seen a surge in customers seeking protection from the dark powers emanating from the north.
  3. Banditry and Lawlessness: The rise in banditry in nearby lands has made travel more dangerous, leading to a decrease in the number of foreign traders visiting the market. However, it has also made the market a vital resource for those seeking protection and healing.
Ethereal Threads - Enstad by 3orcs


The Moonlit Market is a unique and vital part of Celene, serving as a center of commerce, culture, and magic. Its vendors offer goods and services that cannot be found anywhere else, making it a destination for those who seek the rare and the extraordinary. As the world outside its borders grows more dangerous, the Moonlit Market remains a beacon of light and hope, providing the people of Celene with the tools they need to navigate these troubled times.
Moonlit Market - Enstad by 3orcs

Services Offered

Magical Goods and Mystical Services
The vendors of the Moonlit Market offer more than just physical goods; they provide services that cater to the mystical and magical needs of their patrons. These services are as varied and unique as the merchants themselves.
Key Services
  • Dream Interpretation: Offered by Lúthien Estelindë, a high priestess of Sehanine Moonbow, this service allows patrons to have their dreams interpreted in the moonlit sanctum within the market. Many seek her guidance to understand prophetic dreams or visions sent by the goddess.
  • Enchantments and Blessings: Mirelda of the Feywild offers enchantments for weapons, armor, and personal items. She also provides blessings that protect travelers on their journeys, especially those who traverse the dangerous roads of the Gnarley Forest.
  • Healing and Herbal Remedies: Thalorion Brightbark offers healing services using his extensive knowledge of sylvan herbs. He creates poultices, salves, and potions that cure ailments and enhance the body’s natural resilience. His services are sought after by adventurers and those who have been injured in the wilds.
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization

1. The Sylvan Treasures Stall

Vendor: Elowen Brightbranch, a sylvan elf druid with deep green eyes and hair the color of autumn leaves. Elowen is known for her connection to the ancient trees of the Gnarley Forest, and her stall is filled with treasures from the deep woods.
  • Whispering Acorns: Enchanted acorns that, when planted, grow into trees that can communicate telepathically with their planter. These trees are often used as guardians or sentinels.
  • Bark of the World Tree: Strips of bark from an ancient tree believed to be a direct descendant of the World Tree. This bark has powerful protective properties and can be used in crafting potent wards or amulets.
  • Moonshadow Moss: A rare moss that glows faintly in the moonlight. When applied to wounds, it accelerates healing and leaves no scars. It is highly sought after by adventurers and healers alike.

2. The Enchanted Trinkets Emporium

Vendor: Mirelda Windwhisper, a petite fey with shimmering, iridescent wings and an enigmatic smile. Mirelda hails from the Feywild and is known for her collection of trinkets and baubles that hold mysterious powers.
  • Glimmering Feydust: A pouch of sparkling dust that, when sprinkled on an object or creature, temporarily bestows the ability to see through illusions and glamours. The effect lasts for an hour.
  • Mirror of Whispers: A small, ornate mirror that can capture and replay whispers and secrets spoken within its vicinity. The mirror is often used by spies and those who wish to uncover hidden truths.
  • Phantom Bells: Tiny, delicate silver bells that, when rung, can summon a harmless fey spirit to deliver messages or perform simple tasks. The bells are often used by those who need discreet messengers.

3. The Arcane Relics Stall

Vendor: Thalior the Ancient, a venerable elven wizard with silver hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to hold the knowledge of millennia. Thalior specializes in rare and powerful magical artifacts from both the Material Plane and the Feywild.
  • Tears of Sehanine: A vial containing a few drops of silvery liquid said to be the tears of Sehanine Moonbow herself. When consumed, the liquid grants the drinker prophetic dreams for a week, allowing them to glimpse possible futures.
  • Staff of Twilight: A slender staff carved from moonwood, imbued with the power to manipulate shadows and moonlight. The staff can be used to cast powerful illusions or to conceal the wielder in darkness.
  • Cloak of the Feywalker: A cloak woven from the threads of the Feywild, allowing the wearer to step between the Material Plane and the Feywild at will. The cloak is highly prized by those who need to travel quickly and undetected.

4. The Celestial Crystals Booth

Vendor: Astriel Starshimmer, an eladrin elf with eyes that sparkle like stars and a voice that carries the music of the spheres. Astriel specializes in rare crystals and gemstones that have been infused with celestial energy.
  • Starfire Opal: A brilliant opal that radiates with the light of distant stars. When held, it grants the user a brief glimpse into the Astral Plane, allowing them to commune with celestial beings or gain insight into cosmic mysteries.
  • Lunar Tearstone: A tear-shaped crystal that glows softly with a pale blue light. The stone is said to enhance the power of moon-based spells and can be used as a focus for rituals dedicated to Sehanine Moonbow.
  • Sunflare Prism: A multifaceted crystal that captures and amplifies sunlight. When activated, the prism can release a burst of radiant energy capable of blinding or repelling undead and other creatures of darkness.

5. The Ethereal Threads Stall

Vendor: Elyndra Mistweaver, an elegant elven weaver with flowing silver hair and eyes the color of mist. Elyndra is renowned for her skill in crafting garments and textiles from rare and magical materials.
  • Gossamer Veil: A delicate veil woven from the strands of a moon spider’s web. The veil is nearly invisible and can be used to grant the wearer invisibility for short periods, making it a favorite among spies and thieves.
  • Celestial Silk Robes: Robes made from silk spun by celestial silkworms. The robes provide protection against physical and magical attacks, and their wearer is said to be favored by the gods.
  • Feyweave Tapestry: A large tapestry depicting a scene from the Feywild. The tapestry is enchanted to subtly shift and change, telling different stories to those who gaze upon it. Some believe the tapestry can reveal hidden truths or prophecies.

Cover image: Elven Pantheon by 3orcs


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