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Zeb Fletcher

Militia Captain

Militia Captain Zeb Fletcher is a central figure in the defense and governance of Hommlet, known for his leadership, integrity, and commitment to the village's safety. As a seasoned veteran and head of the local militia, Zeb plays a critical role in maintaining order, safeguarding against threats, and mentoring his son Elmo in the arts of war and leadership. His ties to the village, both familial and political, run deep, making him an influential voice in local affairs.

Physical Description

Zeb Fletcher is a tall, broad-shouldered man in his mid-50s, with weathered skin and a graying beard that reflects his many years spent under the sun and in battle. His blue eyes are sharp and observant, always scanning for potential threats, and his posture is upright, embodying his disciplined nature. Despite his age, Zeb is still in excellent physical condition, his muscular build a testament to a lifetime of hard work on the farm and in the field. He typically wears simple militia garb, often consisting of leather armor and a well-worn cloak, with a longsword at his side—a constant reminder of his role as the village's protector.

History and Background

Zeb Fletcher was born and raised in Hommlet. The Fletcher family has long been established in the area, known for their dedication to farming, leadership, and community. Zeb took up arms in defense of his village at a young age, driven by a strong sense of duty to protect his home and his people. Over time, his skill with weapons and tactical thinking made him the natural choice to lead the village's militia.   Zeb was involved in the defense of Hommlet during the rise of the Temple of Elemental Evil many years ago. His experience in those dark times helped shape him into the battle-hardened leader he is today. With the current resurgence of banditry and evil forces lurking around the village, Zeb’s role has only grown in importance. Family   The Fletcher family is well-respected in Hommlet, not only for their agricultural prowess but also for their contributions to the village’s defense and governance.
  • Elmo: Zeb’s son and his most trusted lieutenant in the militia. Elmo is a skilled fighter, having inherited his father's strength and courage. Zeb takes pride in Elmo’s capabilities but also worries about the dangers his son faces. The father-son bond between Zeb and Elmo is strong, with mutual respect and a shared sense of duty. Elmo has taken on a larger role in militia activities, proving himself to be a reliable second-in-command.
  • Mae Fletcher: Zeb’s wife, Mae, passed away several years ago. Her death was a blow to Zeb, but he channeled his grief into his work. She was a beloved figure in the village, known for her kindness and warmth. Zeb often finds himself thinking about her during quiet moments at the farm, her memory a source of strength and motivation to protect the village she loved.
  • Fletcher Farmstead: The 2. Fletcher Farmstead is both a home and a sanctuary for Zeb and Elmo. While Zeb dedicates much of his time to military duties, he still works the farm, believing that honest labor keeps him grounded. The farmstead is a place of refuge, where Zeb can temporarily set aside the burdens of leadership and enjoy the simpler pleasures of life.

Politics and Relationships

Though Zeb is not officially a member of the village council, his influence on the village’s governance is significant. He regularly consults with key leaders, including Lord Burne, Lord Rufus, and Elder Kenter Sr., on matters of security and defense. Zeb is highly respected for his tactical knowledge and his unwavering commitment to the village.
  • Lord Burne and Lord Rufus: Zeb has a strong working relationship with both Lord Burne and Lord Rufus. He respects them as leaders and skilled adventurers who played a key role in the defeat of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Zeb sees them as allies in the fight against the recent resurgence of evil, and he often coordinates with them when organizing patrols or defensive measures around Hommlet. While their approaches to problems differ—Zeb being more practical and cautious, Burne more reliant on magic, and Rufus more focused on military strategy—they all share a common goal of keeping Hommlet safe.
  • Elder Kenter Sr.: Zeb shares a close relationship with Elder Kenter Sr., the village’s elected leader. They often consult on matters of governance and law enforcement, with Zeb offering insights from his military perspective. Kenter Sr. values Zeb’s judgment and experience, often relying on him to enforce the village’s laws and ensure the safety of its citizens.
  • Canon Terjon and Druid Jaroo Ashstaff: Zeb works closely with both religious leaders in the village, recognizing their influence over the villagers and the spiritual wellbeing of Hommlet. While Zeb himself is not particularly devout, he respects the guidance they offer and values their ability to inspire the people during troubled times. He often consults Canon Terjon on matters of morality and law, and Jaroo on issues regarding the surrounding wilderness.

Role as Militia Captain

As the militia captain, Zeb is responsible for organizing patrols, training new recruits, and ensuring that Hommlet is prepared for any potential threat. He commands a small but dedicated force of villagers and volunteers who serve as the first line of defense against bandits, goblins, and other dangers lurking in the area.
  • Training and Readiness: Zeb takes his role as militia captain seriously, regularly drilling his men and ensuring they are equipped for battle. He emphasizes the importance of discipline and preparation, knowing that a well-trained militia could mean the difference between life and death for the village. Zeb also encourages his men to learn from adventurers who pass through Hommlet, seeing them as valuable sources of knowledge and skill.
  • Strategic Leadership: Zeb is known for his strategic thinking, always planning for potential threats and anticipating the actions of their enemies. He regularly consults maps of the surrounding area, familiarizing himself with the terrain and key choke points where bandits or other threats might strike.
Zeb’s Thoughts on the Bandit Problem
Zeb has grown increasingly frustrated with the banditry plaguing the roads around Hommlet. While he understands that bandits are an inevitable threat in such a remote region, he has noticed a troubling increase in their activity—particularly after the Viscount Wilfrick pulled back the Mounted Borderer patrols from the Kron Hills. This reduction in regional military presence has left Hommlet vulnerable, and Zeb has been forced to stretch his already thin militia even further to cover the gaps.
  • Opinion on the Bandits: "These bandits... they're getting bolder. It used to be small-time crooks looking to rob a merchant or two, but now? They've got coordination, strategy. Makes me think someone more dangerous is pulling their strings. We can’t sit back and wait for them to come to us. We need to take the fight to them, or they'll bleed this village dry."
  • Concerns: Zeb worries that if the banditry isn’t dealt with soon, it will escalate into something far worse. He suspects that the resurgence of the Temple of Elemental Evil might be influencing the brigands, though he has no concrete proof yet. Zeb urges the village leadership to take stronger action, but he also knows that with limited resources, they must choose their battles wisely.


Zeb Fletcher is more than just a military leader; he is a pillar of the Hommlet community. His dedication to the village, his family, and his duty is unwavering, and he will do whatever it takes to protect his home from the threats that encroach upon it. Whether fighting bandits on the road, training his militia, or working the land with his son, Zeb is a man of action and honor, and a key ally for any adventurers who seek to defend Hommlet from the darkness that looms on the horizon.
Militia Captain Zeb Fletcher
Level 4 Fighter
  • hp 16; #AT 1; D 1-8 sword
  • crossbow, ranges 6"/12"/18")
  • XP 214
  • S 15 112 W 16 D 12 Co 16 Ch 11
Militia Captain and Retired Fighter
  • Description: A robust man of 56 years, Zeb's weathered face and calloused hands tell the tale of a lifetime spent in service and labor. He wears scale mail and carries a longsword and light crossbow. Despite his age, his eyes retain a sharpness indicative of his leadership and combat experience.
  • Background: Zeb serves as the Captain of the Hommlet militia, leading from behind due to his advanced age. He is highly respected in the village for his wisdom and bravery.
  • Motivation: Zeb is dedicated to protecting Hommlet and ensuring the safety of its residents. He also hopes to see his sons, Elmo and Otis, succeed in their endeavors.
  • Relationships: Zeb is the patriarch of the Fletcher family, married to Gleria, and father to Elmo and Otis. He also takes care of Bobik, their fostered demi-elf son.
Gleria Fletcher
  • Description: At 55 years old, Gleria is a caring and hardworking woman. Her gentle demeanor and nurturing presence are the heart of the farmstead.
  • Background: Gleria manages the household and assists with the farm chores. She is deeply involved in the community and known for her kind nature.
  • Motivation: Gleria is motivated by her love for her family and her desire to maintain a welcoming home.
  • Relationships: Gleria is Zeb's wife and the mother of Elmo and Otis. She is also a maternal figure to their foster son, Bobik.
Elmo Fletcher Adventurer and Regular at the Inn
  • Description: A large, strong man with a simple demeanor, Elmo is known for his fondness for ale.
  • Background: Elmo helps with the farm when not seeking adventure. His strength is his greatest asset, but he lacks quick wit.
  • Motivation: Elmo seeks excitement and adventure, often found at the Inn of the Welcome Wench.
  • Relationships: Elmo is Zeb and Gleria’s son, and he is close to his brother Otis.
Otis Fletcher
  • Description: Otis is often spoken of with a mix of pride and sadness by his parents. He left to seek his fortune and has taken service with some gentlemen.
  • Background: Otis is a skilled fighter who left Hommlet to pursue greater opportunities.
  • Motivation: Otis is driven by a desire for adventure and the pursuit of wealth and fame.
  • Relationships: Otis is the elder brother of Elmo and son of Zeb and Gleria.
Foster Son
  • Description: A 12-year-old Half-Elves, Bobik is energetic and dutiful, often seen doing chores around the farm.
  • Background: Bobik was taken in by the Fletcher family and has become an integral part of their daily life.
  • Motivation: Bobik seeks to help his foster family and prove his worth.
  • Relationships: Bobik is treated as a son by Zeb and Gleria and is close to his foster brothers, Elmo and Otis.
  • Description: At 28 years old, Philian is a dedicated servant who helps with various tasks around the farm.
  • Background: Philian has been with the Fletcher family for several years and is loyal to them.
  • Motivation: Philian is committed to serving the Fletcher family and maintaining the farm.
  • Relationships: Philian has a good relationship with the Fletcher family and works closely with them.
Servant: AC 9 (shield Level 0; hp 4; #AT 1; D 1-6 (club XP 14
Lawful good
Current Location
Year of Birth
520 56 Years old
blue eyes are sharp and observant
graying beard and hair

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Fletcher Farmstead by 3orcs


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