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Elder Kenter Sr.

Elder Kenter Sr. is a respected figure in the Village of Hommlet, known for his wisdom, experience, and unwavering dedication to the welfare of the community. As a senior member of the village council, his leadership and guidance have been instrumental in navigating the village through numerous challenges, including the ongoing bandit problems.

Physical Description

Elder Kenter Sr. is an elderly man with a dignified presence. His once robust frame has slightly stooped with age, but his eyes still hold a sharpness that reflects his keen intellect and alertness. He has a full head of white hair and a neatly trimmed beard. Often seen in simple but well-kept clothing, Kenter exudes an air of humility and respectability.

Background and History

Elder Kenter Sr. has lived in Hommlet all his life. Born into a family of farmers, he worked the land from a young age and grew to understand the rhythms and needs of the village intimately. His leadership qualities became evident early on, and he gradually took on more responsibilities within the community. His tenure as a council elder has seen the village through times of peace and crisis, always advocating for the common good.

Motivations and Relationships

Kenter's primary motivation is the well-being of Hommlet and its residents. He is deeply committed to maintaining peace and order in the village. His relationships with other leaders, such as Canon Terjon of the Church of St. Cuthbert and the acolyte Calmert, are built on mutual respect, though he sometimes finds their zealotry and rigidness challenging to balance with the village's more secular needs. Kenter has a particularly close relationship with the village militia, often consulting with Militia Captain Fletcher on security matters.

Leadership in Hommlet

As a senior council member, Elder Kenter Sr. plays a crucial role in decision-making processes affecting the village. He is known for his balanced and pragmatic approach, often mediating between differing opinions to reach a consensus that serves the greater good. His voice carries significant weight in council meetings, and his judgments are respected by all.

Current Events and Challenges

Elder Kenter Sr. is currently focused on addressing the bandit problem plaguing the region. He has been instrumental in coordinating efforts between the militia, local leaders, and the villagers. His strategic mind and deep understanding of Hommlet's resources and vulnerabilities make him a key figure in devising defensive plans and ensuring the village's preparedness.
Elder Kenter Sr. continues to hold regular village meetings, addressing concerns and hearing complaints from the villagers. His decisions, made with input from the village council, help maintain peace and order in Hommlet.
Construction of Doomwatch Keep
The construction of Doomwatch Keep nearby has brought additional activity and concerns to the manor. The elder monitors the progress of the keep and works closely with Lord Burne and Lord Rufus to ensure the safety of the village.
Bandit Threats
With the rise in bandit activity along the Long Road, Elder Manor's role as a refuge has become even more critical. The elder coordinates with the village militia to respond to any threats and protect the inhabitants of Hommlet.
Relationship with Other Leaders
  • Canon Terjon: Kenter respects Terjon's dedication to faith and order but sometimes finds his stern demeanor challenging. Despite this, their collaboration is crucial in maintaining both spiritual and practical support for the villagers.
  • Acolyte Calmert: Calmert's zeal in obtaining contributions is both a boon and a concern for Kenter. He appreciates Calmert's honesty and dedication but keeps a watchful eye to ensure the funds are used appropriately.
  • Militia Captain Zeb Fletcher: Kenter has a close working relationship with Fletcher, often consulting on security matters and supporting the militia's efforts to protect the village.
  • Lord Rufus and Lord Burne: Kenter values their contributions to Hommlet's defense and infrastructure, particularly the construction of the fortress. He often mediates between their ambitious projects and the villagers' needs.

Services and Contributions

Elder Kenter Sr. is deeply involved in various village activities, from agricultural planning to organizing communal defenses. He often holds informal gatherings to listen to the villagers' concerns and provide guidance. His role is not just administrative but also deeply personal, as he strives to ensure that every villager feels heard and valued.

Legacy and Influence

Elder Kenter Sr.'s legacy in Hommlet is one of wisdom, dedication, and unwavering commitment to the village's prosperity. His influence extends beyond immediate decisions, shaping the village's values and resilience. As a mentor to younger leaders and a pillar of stability, Kenter's impact will be felt for generations to come.   Elder Kenter Sr. stands as a testament to the power of steadfast leadership and communal spirit, guiding Hommlet through challenges with wisdom and integrity.
"The strength of Hommlet lies in its people, united and resolute."
Elder Kenter Sr.
The village leader and Justice of the Peace, known for his wisdom and fairness.
  • Role: Village leader and Justice of the Peace
  • Religion: The Old Faith 
Lawful neutral
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Village leader and Justice of the Peace
sharp blue
full head of white hair and a neatly trimmed beard
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The land provides for us; it is our duty to protect it."
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Opinions on Bandit Problems
  • Caution and Vigilance: "The rise of banditry is a grave concern. We must be vigilant and cautious, ensuring our defenses are always prepared."
  • Support for Militia: "Our militia, under Captain Fletcher, has done a commendable job. They need our continued support and resources."
  • Collaboration: "Working with other leaders, like Canon Terjon and Rufus, is essential. We must present a united front against these threats."
  • Community Involvement: "The safety of Hommlet is a communal responsibility. Every villager must play their part, whether in the fields or on the battlements."
  • Persistent Effort: "The battle against banditry is ongoing. We must persist in our efforts, adapting our strategies as needed."

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Elder Kenter Sr by 3orcs


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