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Elmo, a seemingly simple and perpetually inebriated villager, is one of Hommlet's most enigmatic figures. Known for his jovial and carefree demeanor at the Inn of the Welcome Wench, Elmo is, in truth, a seasoned ranger and a covert agent of the Viscounty of Verbobonc. His role in the village is crucial, as he works undercover to monitor potential threats, particularly the resurgence of the Temple of Elemental Evil.

Physical Description

Elmo is a large, seemingly rotund man, though beneath his bulk lies a fit and battle-ready ranger. His Flan heritage is evident in his darker skin tone, but his appearance is distinctly Oeridian, marked by a large handlebar mustache that often catches crumbs from his frequent meals. His receding hairline and slightly disheveled appearance add to his ruse as a harmless, drunken local.

Location and Activities

Fletcher Farmstead
Elmo is often found at the 2. Fletcher Farmstead, where he lives with his father, Zeb Fletcher, the captain of the village militia. The farmstead is a modest, well-kept property on the outskirts of Hommlet, known for its fields and simple but sturdy structures. It serves as both a family home and a base of operations for the village's defense.
Inn of the Welcome Wench
Elmo spends much of his time at the 7. The Inn of the Welcome Wench, where he plays the part of the village drunk. The inn is a lively establishment, frequented by locals and travelers alike. Its warm, inviting atmosphere and ample supply of ale make it the perfect place for Elmo to observe newcomers and gather information.
"Chain armor and a BIG axe, that’s all I need."

Lore and History

Elmo has lived in Hommlet his entire life, growing up under the watchful eye of his father, Zeb, and his older brother, Otis. From a young age, he showed promise as a ranger, following in the footsteps of his brother, who left Hommlet to pursue his own adventures

Background and Motivation

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Elmo's outward appearance as a drunken fool is a carefully crafted facade. His true purpose in Hommlet is to monitor the village for signs of trouble, particularly any activities related to the Temple of Elemental Evil. His loyalty to the Viscount and his brother drives him to maintain this ruse, even as he longs for the excitement of open adventure. Elmo's secret role as an agent of the Viscount of Verbobonc was a path chosen for him after proving his skills in both combat and subterfuge.
  • Protect Hommlet: Elmo is deeply committed to safeguarding his village from external threats, especially those linked to the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • Honor his Brother: Elmo's relationship with his brother Otis is a strong motivator. He seeks to honor Otis's legacy by continuing their shared mission to protect the region.
  • Maintain the Ruse: Elmo's drunken persona is essential to his work. He remains dedicated to this role, even when it means concealing his true nature from friends and allies.

Dungeon Master Only Secret

Elmo's Movements and Potential Encounters Elmo, despite his outward appearance as a drunken and harmless local, is always on the lookout for potential threats and opportunities to gather information. He is tasked by the Viscount of Verbobonc to keep a close eye on any newcomers and to subtly insert himself into their plans if he deems it necessary.
Random Encounter Timing
Return to Party's Location (50% Chance):
If the party remains stationary for an extended period, there is a 50% chance that Elmo will return to where they are, acting as if he is merely wandering in search of more ale or company. His true purpose, however, is to overhear any plans and ensure the party does not stumble into something dangerous without his knowledge.   Encounter on the Road (25% Chance):
Should the party leave their current location, there is a 25% chance that Elmo will be encountered on the road. He may appear as though he has just wandered there by chance, swaying and singing, but in truth, he is assessing the party’s actions and intentions as they travel.
Fallback Location
Inn of the Welcome Wench:
If Elmo does not encounter the party on the road or return to their location, he will always be found at the Inn of the Welcome Wench. He spends most of his time there, maintaining his cover as the village drunk while discreetly observing all who come and go. This location serves as both his base of operations and a reliable point of contact should the party wish to engage with him further.
Motivations and Actions
If the Party Discusses Plans Aloud:
Elmo will pretend to stumble into the conversation, offering his services or advice in a seemingly haphazard manner. However, he will listen intently for any mention of the Temple of Elemental Evil or other threats to the village.   If Confronted About His Identity:
If the party grows suspicious and confronts Elmo about his true nature, he will initially deny any allegations. However, if pressed or if the party proves trustworthy, he may reveal his role as an agent, especially if he believes it will aid the mission of keeping Hommlet safe.
Secret Strategy
Monitoring Party Movements:
Elmo uses these random encounters as a way to keep tabs on the party without being overtly suspicious. He’s particularly interested in groups that show a strong interest in the old Moathouse or the surrounding wilderness, as these areas are potential hotbeds for trouble.   Ensuring the Party's Success (or Failure):
Depending on the party’s alignment and goals, Elmo may subtly assist them by providing information or combat support. Alternatively, if he deems the party a threat to Hommlet or the Viscount’s interests, he may mislead them or even report their actions to higher authorities.
  • Zeb Fletcher (Father): Elmo's father is the captain of the militia, and their relationship is one of mutual respect, though Zeb is unaware of the full extent of Elmo's secret duties.
  • Otis Fletcher (Brother): Otis is away on a quest but remains a significant figure in Elmo's life. Elmo looks up to his brother and feels a strong sense of duty to uphold the family name.
  • Ostler Gundigoot (Innkeeper): Elmo and Ostler share a cordial relationship, with Elmo's frequent visits to the inn providing him cover for his activities.
  • Canon Terjon and Calmert (Clerics of St. Cuthbert): Elmo has a cautious relationship with the clerics, recognizing their authority but wary of their influence in the village.

Current Events

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Elmo is currently focused on gathering information about the growing bandit threat around Hommlet. He suspects that these bandits may be connected to the remnants of the Temple of Elemental Evil. His discreet investigations have led him to the conclusion that the situation is becoming increasingly dire, and he is prepared to take more direct action if necessary.
Elmo Introduction
Elmo: Hello dere (staggers)
He smiles "No im not drunk! I'm Elmo!
He breathes in deeply and tries to look grave, but he is wobbling back and forth unsteadily.
"I am lookin for work. I need da money, y'see. I would like to buy some ale. "Waddaya *hic* wanna know?
"Yeah I grew up in Hommlet with my brudder Otis. Otis went off to find his fortune. He's smatter than me. I dunno, He left with some guys somewhere. He not tell me."
"Just a sip, I swear... but I could use another."


Level 4 Ranger
  • (HD 5 hp 41
  • #AT 1; D 5-12 (battle axe) or 6-9 (dagger)
  • XP 375
  • S 18/43 115 W 16 D 16 Co 17 Ch 11
  • Languages common, gnome, goblin, sylvan
Equipment and Abilities
Elmo is well-equipped for both combat and covert operations, though he keeps his best gear hidden unless absolutely necessary.
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  • +1 Chain Shirt: Hidden beneath his usual clothing, ready for battle at a moment's notice.
  • +2 Shield: A sturdy, enchanted shield that provides excellent protection.
  • +1 Battleaxe: A magically enhanced weapon that Elmo wields with deadly precision.
  • +2 Dagger: A gift from his brother Otis, always kept on his person.
  • Tankard of Sobriety: A magical item that allows Elmo to maintain his ruse without actually becoming intoxicated.
Chaotic good
Year of Birth
547 29 Years old
Current Residence
Fletchers Farmstead
drunkard, Large handlebar mustache, perpetually dusty and slightly stained clothing
Brown, receding
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My brudder Otis gave it to me!"

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Elmo by 3orcs


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