B1 - B30 Business Quarter Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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B1 - B30 Business Quarter

Bustling Marketplace

Imagine stepping into the heart of Verbobonc's Business Quarter on a vibrant market day. The air is filled with the mixed scents of spices, leather, and fresh pastries from nearby bakeries. The cobblestone streets, alive with the hustle and bustle of the city, lead you through a maze of open-air bazaars, street-side carts, and guilds showcasing their wares. Voices of merchants haggling, the clinking of coins, and the occasional laughter of a successful trade fill the air. Amidst this commercial vibrancy, the presence of several temples adds a serene contrast, with their quiet shrines offering solace and spiritual services to the marketplace visitors.

Trade and Commerce

Verbobonc stands as a pivotal commercial hub in the Central Flanaess, its economic power bolstered by the wealth flowing through its gates. The city's port, only second to Dyvers on the Velverdyva River, serves as the main marketplace for precious metals from the Kron Hills and rare goods from the elven realm of Celene. The city's maximum trade limit reaches an impressive 40,000gp, highlighting its significant role in regional trade.

Purchasing and Selling in the Market

  • Purchasing: Shoppers can buy regular items from the PHB at list price, with most items readily available. Mundane rare items and alchemical products might take a bit longer to find, as well as masterwork items and some potions, which have a limited daily availability. Low-level scrolls are also accessible for those willing to search the bustling markets.
  • Selling: Vendors in the general market accept various items, including regular, rare, and masterwork goods. Sellers can expect to receive 50% of the list price for non-magical items, with the potential for higher returns through bargaining. High-priced or rare items are typically traded at specific stores, which offer a more specialized and lucrative market.

Selling Regular Items in the General Market

In the general market of the Business Quarter, traders and adventurers find a platform to sell a wide array of items, from regular to rare and even magical goods. The process and nuances of selling in this market reflect the city's dynamic trade ecosystem:
  • Non-Magical Items: These can be sold for 50% of their list price, with the option to negotiate better rates based on the seller's charisma. This aspect adds a layer of strategic interaction, allowing traders with higher charisma scores to potentially secure higher selling prices.
  • Quantity and Time: Selling small quantities of items aligns with the time it takes to find similar items, incorporating bargaining time into the process. For larger quantities, especially of more costly items, the selling process is adjusted to accommodate the bulk, demonstrating the market's capacity to handle both small and large transactions efficiently.

Selling Items to Specific Stores

Verbobonc's Business Quarter also boasts specialized stores catering to niche markets, including those for high-priced or rare items:
  • Trade Dynamics: These stores offer a platform for selling items that fall within their specific trade categories, with a focus on minor magic weapons and other specialized goods. The economic model here accounts for taxes and protection fees, influencing the final selling and trading rates.
  • In-Store Credit vs. Cash: Trading magic items in these stores results in receiving 75% in-store credit, while outright sales yield 50% of retail value. This distinction offers traders flexibility in managing their inventory and capitalizing on their assets.

Security and Religious Oversight

The Business Quarter not only thrives on trade but also on the watchful eyes of the city guards and the religious community. Priests from temples dedicated to deities such as Mouqol, Xerbo, and Zilchus provide essential services like item identification, detecting cursed or evil items, and ensuring fair negotiations. Their involvement adds a layer of trust and security to the bustling trade activities, with a service fee of 10gp/day and a 10% commission on transactions.   The security and religious oversight within the Business Quarter not only ensure the physical safety of the marketplace but also protect and regulate the spiritual and ethical aspects of trade:
  • Priestly Services: Priests from the temples of Mouqol, Xerbo, and Zilchus provide crucial services to maintain the integrity of transactions. Their abilities to identify, detect cursed or evil items, and ensure fair negotiations play a significant role in sustaining a trustworthy trading environment.
  • Costs and Commissions: The priests' services come at a flat rate, with a commission on each item transacted. This economic model supports the religious institutions financially while offering valuable services to the traders and customers of the Business Quarter.

Security and Religion in the market

The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc: work extends beyond mere policing; they collaborate with religious institutions and utilize divine or arcane magic to uphold law and order. With an emphasis on community engagement and a flexible approach to minor offenses, the Vigil Wardens embody the spirit of service, safeguarding not just the Business Quarter but the entire city of Verbobonc against threats, both internal and external.


The Business Quarter of Verbobonc is a lively and complex tapestry of commerce, culture, and faith. Whether you're a trader seeking to profit, a shopper in search of rare goods, or a pilgrim looking for spiritual guidance, this bustling district offers something for everyone. Beyond the immediate transactions and interactions lies the heartbeat of Verbobonc's economy and community, a testament to the city's enduring significance in the Flanaess.
by 3orcs
Vigilance and Divine Oversight
The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, along with shrines to deities like Mouqol, Xerbo, and Zilchus, ensure the Business Quarter's security. These religious figures offer services to validate item authenticity, detect curses or evil, and ensure fair transactions, all for a nominal fee and commission.
  • Determine that items are properly identified (Avoid Nystul’s Magic Aura, etc). 
  • Detect any cursed items.
  • Detect any evil items.
  • Determine fair negotiations (detect lies, etc). Flat rate of 10gp/day and 10% commission on each item purchased/sold.

Articles under B1 - B30 Business Quarter

B10 The Bridgewalk Tavern
Building / Landmark | Feb 23, 2024
B11 Bensar’s Wax Works
Building / Landmark | Feb 24, 2024
B12 Tower of Sir Ingish Blackhand
Building / Landmark | Feb 24, 2024
B13 Macor’s Merchant House
Building / Landmark | Feb 24, 2024
B14 Nib’s Importers
Building / Landmark | Feb 24, 2024
B15 Jerkin bonefinger’s House of Pleasure
Building / Landmark | Feb 25, 2024
B16 The Packard’s Trough
Building / Landmark | Mar 2, 2024
B17 House of Publius Naso
Building / Landmark | Mar 2, 2024
B18 Betham’s books
Building / Landmark | Mar 2, 2024
B19 Chapel of Rudd
Building / Landmark | Mar 17, 2024
B2 Trader’s Market
Building / Landmark | Apr 30, 2024
B20 Church of Pelor
Building / Landmark | Apr 21, 2024

The Church of Pelor in Verbobonc stands as a monumental beacon of righteousness, its alabaster structure radiating soft light that serves as a guide for the good-hearted.

B21 Temple of Heironeous
Building / Landmark | Apr 21, 2024

Temple of Heironeous stands as a bastion of law and goodness, dedicated to the God of Justice.

B22 Guild of Brewers and Bakers
Building / Landmark | Apr 21, 2024

the administrative heart of the guild, where various activities concerning the trade are coordinated.

B23 Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy
Building / Landmark | Apr 21, 2024

Jala’s Armoury and Weaponsmithy stands as a hub of martial craftsmanship, resonating with the clang of hammers and the roar of forges.

B24 Sisters of Mercy Hospital of Zodal
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

partially a hospital and partially a church of Zodal

B25 Kiles Spice Store
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

Boasting the widest variety of spices in the city, the store offers an impressive collection of exotic spices from far-flung regions.

B26 Adventures Guild
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

the Adventurers Guild serves as a vibrant meeting point for those drawn to the life of adventure.

B27 Best Bread Bakery
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

owned and run by the Meyer family

B28 Scribes and Paper
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

papermaking and meticulous scribing services, crafted under the keen oversight of Alara Reed.

B29 Expedition Outfitter’s
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

Offers a comprehensive range of outdoor and adventuring gear, including specialized items rarely found elsewhere.

B3 Chapel of Zilchus
Building / Landmark | Feb 17, 2024
B30 Vulin's Gemstones and jewelry
Building / Landmark | Apr 22, 2024

a world of sparkling gems and exquisite jewelry.

B32 Manor House
Building / Landmark | May 17, 2024

The Forgotten Manor, as it has come to be known among the locals of Verbobonc, stands as a somber relic in the bustling business district.

B4 Church of Delleb
Building / Landmark | May 28, 2024
B6 Manor of Prince Jimm
Building / Landmark | Feb 22, 2024
B7 Temple of St. Cuthbert "new"
Building / Landmark | Feb 22, 2024
B8 Jamstav’s Merchant House
Building / Landmark | Feb 22, 2024

Cover image: by 3orcs


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