
Vestige is a relatively small (2,212 km diameter) plane located in the Dornnish Eighth of the Greater Eridún Crux Region (GECR). A major military outpost for the great interplanar Daybreak Empire, it is one of the more densely-populated planes in the GECR.

Primary intelligent species on Vestige include (in order of population) dwarves, Meranthic humans, Meranthic elves (particularly shar and altnoréth), aselu, stone giants and various Daybreak races. There are historical populations of anzu & tiam-anzu around the plane's rugged peaks and alpine lakes, but they have declined rapidly due to a refusal to bend the knee to Dawnsgleam.

Vestige is particularly famous for being naturally sheltered against a dangerous extradimensional "energy" known as Kos. Beings thought to be manifestations of Kos, such as True Dragons, have never been observed in its vicinity. How or why it is sheltered in this way is utterly mysterious.  


Vestige is a heavily mountainous plane with tempestuous geology beneath the surface; the substrate seems to constantly warp and flow at its extreme depths, causing frequent earthquakes and fissure events above. In spite of the dangers of these events, exploration of the plane is common due to its richness in rare, sought-after metamorphic rocks.  

Unique Traits

Vestige is one of only several known planes seemingly sheltered by manifestations of Kos, a mysterious, volatile "energy" that originates outside Local Reality. Interplanar storms of Kos have been observed to bend around the plane like water around an island. Beings thought to be manifestations of Kos, such as True Dragons, have never been observed in the planar vicinity.

The Daybreak Empire is well aware of this and guards Vestige even more fiercely than usual for the militant state-religion. The plane is one of the major military outposts in the Dornnish Eighth region of the GECR.  


Research is ongoing and extremely difficult due to the rarity of the phenomenon, but Empyreal scholars note the increased presence of a veiny, opalescent mineral called cynabal in the substrate of such planes. It is possible this mineral is anathema to Kos in some as-yet-unknown capacity. The Empyreal military is also looking into its use in weaponry, though the mineral is powdery and uncooperative in smithing.


Plane of Existence

Class of Reality
Class III (Spective)

Cruxplanar Region/Tier
Dornnish Eighth, 3rd Tier

Planar Integration

Daybreak Designation


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