Manshoon's Deal

During the Xanathar's Guild Heist the party learned that Manshoon, who has one of the Eyes of the Stone of Golorr, is hiding out at Kolat Towers and even managed to find half-finished blueprints of the building. In the blueprints there's a note that one needs a pass-amulet to enter the towers and that Manshoon resides in an extradimensional sanctum within the towers.

The party realize they've obtained a pass-amulet to get into the tower in their raid of one of Zhentarim hideouts (see Session 45: Are We Having Fun Yet? Report). Meanwhile, the Zhentarim attack Cassalanter Villa. Lord Victoro Cassalanter tells the party he had them followed to a ramshackle building named Yellowspire. The party infiltrate Yellowspire and find Kelia Wintersbane about to be sacrificed to the dark god Bane. They save her and find one Zhentarim lieutenant, Agorn Fuoco, still alive. He tells them everything they want to know about Kolat Towers and even hands over his ring that gives him access to Manshoon's sanctum in order to stay alive. The party let him go and he says he needs to leave Waterdeep or Manshoon will have him killed.

The party discuss a plan of attack with the Doom Raiders, who also want to see Manshoon taken down. They suspect one Raider, Skeemo Weirdbottle is passing information to Manshoon's Zhentarim. Along with disguised Davil Starsong and Ziraj the party infiltrates Kolat Towers under the premise that they are there for business with Manshoon. Their deception works and they're taken up to the teleportation circle to Manshoon's sanctum.

Inside, the sanctum is surrounded by swirling purple mist within a dark demiplane. Manshoon greets them, confused by what business they could have. After some attempts at subterfuge (and most likely under a Detect Thoughts spell) the party is interrupted when Manshoon says he knows exactly why they are there. He offers them a deal: he will give them the eye if he can be there when they open the vault. They can even keep the money. He wants another artifact inside the vault. He refuses to say what it is. Davil and Ziraj are incensed that they are even talking to Manshoon. After a moment or two or bartering (or buying time), Davil casts Dominate Person on one of Manshoon's people and tells her to go get them the Eye. Manshoon stops her, chastising Davil by name. Davil drops his disguise and tells the woman to attack.

A battle ensues. The party seem to be holding their own when a door opens and another Manshoon enters the foyer. This Manshoon casts Imprisonment on Davil, trapping him in a ruby that hangs around his neck. As the battle begins to turn against him this new Manshoon teleports away angrily. With a final blow the other Manshoon dies, revealing he was only a simulacrum of the real Manshoon.   The party loot the sanctum, finding many potions and oils, as well as Manshoon's spellbook and, finally, an Eye belonging to the Stone of Golorr.   They plan to meet up with their investigator neighbor Vincent Trench who is keeping an eye on the drow who took the eye the party found in the Xanathar's Lair. As they get close to home, they see Trollskull Manor and Tavern has been attacked. Lillian Haekin tells them that the Zhentarim have taken the children. She hands them a note that says "same deal as before. Though, I think I'll keep the money this time."
Parent Plot


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