The Kidnapping of Floon Blagmaar

During your first visit to the Yawning Portal, you assisted Durnan in vanquishing a troll and some stirges that escaped through the giant well in the center of the tavern, which gives the establishment its name. Afterward Volothamp Geddarm requested your help in finding his friend Floon Blagmaar who he believed had been kidnapped.   Floon was last seen in the company of Renaer Neverember at the Skewered Dragon, a dubious bar in the Dock Ward. You're distracted for a day or so ridding the Stoutfellows in Undercliff of some scarecrows terrorizing their farm. When you return to the Dock War, you find that the City Watch has uncovered a Zhentarim hideout and saved Renaer who tells you both he and Floon were kidnapped by Zhentarim agents. The Zhentarim were questioning Renaer about the half a million gold his father stole from the city. They keep asking about the "Stone of Golorr," but Renaer doesn't know what that is. They ripped off his ivory locket given to him by his father, found some kind of stone inside a hidden compartment, and sent someone to deliver it to their boss. When Floon is hauled upstairs for questioning the hideout is ambushed by Xanathar's Guild agents. They kill the Zhentarim present and take Floon, mistaking him for Renaer.   Renaer manages to slip his bonds and escape, alerting the City Watch. He insists on accompanying the party to find Floon. They party heads into the sewers to infiltrate the Xanathar's Guild. The party battles some goblins, bandits, and one gelatinous cube, before finding Floon at the mercy of a mind flayer. The party manages to rescue Floon and escape, but Runt is incapacitated by a intellect devourer. The party is able to heal him at the Yawning Portal.   In thanks, Volo gifts the party with Trollskull Manor and Tavern.
Plot type
Plot Beat
Parent Plot


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