Xanathar's Guild Heist

The party infiltrated the Xanathar's Lair during a fight tournament. They discovered their friend Yagra Stonefist was unwillingly participating. They teamed up with two members of the Doom Raiders, Davil Starsong and Ziraj to attempt to steal the eye of the Stone of Golorr and save Yagra.

Invisibly, Cameron Overholt, Runt Thundermount, and Andryn Stormpeak along with Davil snuck through the beholder's lair looking for the stone. They stumbled upon a report called A Briefing for the Xanathar concerning the Grand Game written by one of the Xanathar's lieutenants detailing that the stone was hidden within Kolat Towers by the Zhentarim along with rough blueprints of the towers. It also says that Manshoon himself resides in an extra-dimensional pocket within the towers.

The party finds the Xanathar's inner sanctum. Inside is a massive fishbowl, Ott Steeltoes who they saved from Zhentarim torturers earlier, and 3 drow, one of whom Davil recognizes as Jarlaxle Baenre. The drow and the party fight to reach the eye, which has been swallowed by the Xanathar's pet fish. The drow just manage to escape with the fish leaving the party to flee for their lives.

With the Doom Raiders (including Yagra) the party escape to Skullport, an underground city deep underneath Waterdeep, and need to find a way back to the surface. They meet an Awakened rat named Gary who was sent by the Emerald Enclave to keep an eye on Andryn Stormpeak. He leads them to a pet shop run by Ulvira Snowveins. She reveals she was sent down here on assignment by the Harpers but her contact was killed. She agrees to help them if they tell Mirt that she's in Skullport and needs extraction. They agree and after a day she introduces them to Irusyl Eraneth, a hooded mysterious woman who knows of secret exits out of Skullport. She flies them up one by one through an illusioned ladder in the cavern ceiling.

The party makes the long trek to the surface and find themselves in a cell within Castle Waterdeep. After a tense standoff with guards, the party is permitted to leave when a captain rushes in to say he was told they were expected.
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