Session 56: Carnival Clash Report

General Summary

The party reels from the knowledge that Jarlaxle Baenre is not only masquerading as Rongquan Mystere, the owner of Seven Masks Theater, as well as Zardoz Zord, who runs the Sea Maiden's Faire, AND a former patron of Trollskull Manor and Tavern who befriended their wards and flirted with their now-dead bartender. He tells the party that he's looking for the money within the vault to return to Waterdeep and curry favor with Laeral Silverhand, the Open Lord of Waterdeep in order to get his northern city of Luskan into the Lord's Alliance. He offers his condolences on the kidnapping of their wards and offers to work together.   The party tells him about the curse on Lord Victoro Cassalanter and Lady Ammalia Cassalanter's children. He seems somewhat suspicious, but thinks they may be able to help his cause and put in a good word with him to the Open Lord. They mention that the curse originated with cultists of Asmodeus, the ultimate ruler of the Nine Hells. Jarlaxle says he's run into some information about Asmodeus cultists during his investigation of The Grand Game, but didn't know how they fit in. He has a report back in his ship, The Eyecatcher. He offers it as a good faith gesture for their continued partnership.   The party also mention that Manshoon indicated there was more than money in the vault. Jarlaxle is surprised and pleased, saying it would only be fair that they get a few trinkets for their hard work.   They all head toward the Sea Maiden's Faire. As they get close, they all hear screams of terror and angry bellows. They rush toward the docks, but are pushed back by a fleeing mob. Eventually they make their way to the Faire and find several people they'd seen during Xanathar's Guild Heist attacking tents and stands. An ettin (a two-headed giant) named Stomp and Stooge yells out looking for the Xanathar's fish.   The party and Jarlaxle jump into the fray, but are thwarted by several floating gazers that hinder their attacks. They seem to be making headway, downing a few Xanathar's Guild thugs, when several kuo-toa and intellect devourers arrive along with the mind flayer they first saw during The Kidnapping of Floon Blagmaar. Jarlaxle and Runt Thundermount are stunned by the mind flayer, though Runt manages to shake it off quickly. Jarlaxle is not so lucky, remaining stunned for the remainder of the arduous fight. Eventually, the party prevails. The mind flayer planar shifts out of the fray, escaping into the unknown.   Jarlaxle, as Mystere, offers all the workers free tickets to opening night at his theater and assures them Zord will return to make things right here. He turns to the party and leads them into a small boat to The Eyecatcher, which is moored in the middle of the harbor where answers may lie regarding the Asmodeus cultists of Waterdeep.
Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
Runt Thundermount
Cameron Overholt
Andryn Stormpeak
Caelynn Amastacia
Report Date
12 Jul 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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