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Kingdom Roln

A kingdom of men and sea creatures

Kingdom Roln is one of the thirteen kingdoms that make up the Empire of Roscrea. It is considered to be apart of the Its capital city is the great city of Rolnd which sits half on land and half on water. It boasts the biggest harbor in all of Roscrea known as Wood Haven Docks, and is known to be the defacto ship-building kingdom of the Empire. The White Fleet- the greatest and mightiest fleet of the Empire, is stationed at Wood Haven Docks. The Kingdom is known for its Disservive Culture and its extreme fishing industry, which is its primary source of income. The kingdom also sports an annual sporting event known as the Sea Plunging, which is a contest in which hundreds of sailing teams roam the great ocean and try to catch the biggest sea monster they can and return it to Rolnd to be measured. The winners of the event receive their own newly created vessel and a "lifetime of free fish". Kingdom Rolnd hosts a number of guilds headquarters, such as the Fishing Guild, the Sea Monster Guild, and the Bird Watching Guild. Kingdom Roln also has ownership of the small subregion known as Alanon, which is known for its great migration of birds that make their home in the hills and trees of the region. The town aptly named "Bird Town" was built in the region and serves as a popular tourist spot. The legion that guards the Kingdom is known as the Sea Bearers, who specialize in naval and water combat. Kingdom Roln is also home to two great chapels Helifex and Meradian. The kingdom also contains the oldest human town in all of Roscrea known as the town of Gormsey- set up when the humans first arrived in Archtun from Stonefalls.  


Kingdom Roln was first founded in 4277 2E and is a part of both the Kingdoms of the Gulf and their alliance known as the Water Accord, as well as a member of the Old Kingdoms. It was the first kingdom to be created in the bay of the Disservive Gulf under Roncria. Its capital, Rolnd, would soon be built and completed in the year 4280 2E. Trouble would arise when a newly created city named Kingdom Fjkorder began to wish to part from Kingdom Rolnd and create their own kingdom.   During the Roscrean-Serian War, the present-day lands of Kingdom Roln were split in north and south between the forces of Seria and Roncria. The kingdom saw some of the harshest frontline fighting in the entire war. A large group of werewolves would be created by the Serians in the later years of the war, but a large majority of them would go across the kingdom down to Kingdom Rialse.    During the Interregnum, Kingdom Rolnd, much like its neighboring kingdoms, would split apart from the Empire and fall into disarray. Rolnd was captured by the brutal warlord Japard Hucsk, which would turn the city more akin to a fortress. The rest of the land of the kingdom was split into differing clans and warlords. The chapel of Helifex within the city of Rolnd was burned, per the orders of Japard Hucsk, and his new guard known as the Raging Sea, which ruled Rolnd without mercy. The priests of the chapel would soon rebuild it in the hills and countryside of Rolnd. The kingdom would be restored in the later years of the Interregnum at the hands of Emperor Ranswer Opum and would rejoin the Roscrean Empire.    During the Frozen Raid, Kingdom Roln would see the worst of the invasion by the Ulthrank, and the entire kingdom would nearly collapse with the fall of Rolnd at the hands of the Ulthrank. The only surviving cities would be Gormsey and the well-fortified forts that dotted the kingdom where a large number of refugees took shelter. At the end of the Frozen Raid, Rolnd would be rebuilt and the kingdom would try to rebuild, although even in the fourth age it has not returned yet to its former glory.

Seabeast's Nightmare

Islands Owned by Kingdom Rolnd

(From order of largest to smallest)   Albuened- Although technically within the borders of Kingdom Rolnd, Albuened acts independently from the kingdom and pays little mind to their dealings.   Cycstor- A small island about a day's journey from the mainland. Known to be a rest stop for weary contestants of the Sea Plunging, and also sports the impressive harbor town of Windrip   Dedenetist- A small island half a day's journey from the mainland that is uninhabited, but is known for a massive bloated octapus corpse that covers the majority of the island.
Founding Date
4277 2E
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Kingdom of Fish
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


Notable towns in the Kingdom:   Rolnd (capital)   Bird Town   Gormsey   Windrip (on Cycstor)


Part of the thirteen kingdoms that make up the Empire of Roscrea


Both apart of the Water Accord and the Old Kingdoms.


Fellow Kingdom within the Roscrean Empire


Fellow member of the Roscrean Empire


Fellow member of the Roscrean Empire

Forceful cooperation


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