Berak Talat the Younger Character in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil

Berak Talat the Younger

King Berak Talat, the Younger

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Berak the Younger was the only child of Queen Arda Talat and her husband Stiggur Gurney. Unusually for Ostar, Arda made no secret at any point that Berak was to be her heir, and did not adopt or foster any other children in the household. Berak would take over for his mother when she stepped down from the throne at 121 years of age, inheriting the throne and the War of Conquest.   Berak was married to his cousin, Sema Talat, daughter of his Aunt Princess Azmi Talat. The marriage was not contested by either set of parents, and while it was of course not completely unheard of for noble families to see a certain amount of inbreeding, it lent a certain weight to already fairly substantial rumors that not all of the children who had been claimed by Berak's grandfather King Evren were actually his, and that some may have been actually children of Prince Emrah or even another cousin.   Berak and Sema married young and started their family well before he took the throne. They had two children of their own, Prince Gaire Talat and Princess Taheri Talat the Younger. Additionally, Berak chose to foster his cousin Duchess Eri Lindroth's (daughter of Princess Doshi Talat) son Tahir Talat. A fourth child, Aysel Talat, was taken from the Dahlquist family by Arda and placed into her heir's family.   Berak held the throne for only 8 years, and then he was killed, not in battle of the ongoing war, but by assassination.


Family Ties


11710 AE 11779 AE 69 years old
Circumstances of Death


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