War of Conquest Military Conflict in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil

War of Conquest

The Conflict


After conquering the Western half of Austra in the 13 Years War and the Peninsular War, the Talat family turned their gaze towards the rest of the continent, and then to the continent of Saman to the Southeast. In addition to simple greed of wanting to control the entire continent and arrogance to think they could do so they best, they were uncomfortable with continued attempts by the native Folk to retake land.


The War of Conquest involved primarily taking control of the land East of the Wildmouth River, though some small campaigns also involved putting down rebellions in territory the Ostarians had already conquered. After conquering the rest of their own continent, they also traveled across the Ash Sea and Whispering Sea to take control of Saman to their Southeast.


Because this conflict spanned 341 years, entire generations, they fought in every imaginable condition.

The Engagement

While the Empire would have preferred a straightforward conquest, they were forced to counter the Folk's guerilla tactics with many inventive and non-traditional tactics of their own.


After the War of Conquest, there were no remaining known sovereign Folk nations in the world.


With their homeland having been mostly what was not Empire territory, and the Empire aggressively working to make them disappear or assimilate into Empiric culture, the Folk almost seemed to become a myth overnight, with almost all of them choosing to 'hide in plain sight' in their human-like forms if they remained in human society.

Historical Significance


After conquering the entire continent, Melker Talat would change himself from King of the Kingdom of Ostar to Emphir of The Brilliant Empire.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
11589 CE
Ending Date
11930 CE
Conflict Result
The Empire eventually did drive the Folk either out of their territory, into hiding, or into integration within their society.






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