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History of Yerrosis

The First Age

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    The Beginning
    Celestial / Cosmic

    For millennia the three prime deities existed alongside the elder beings and that which knows no death. The prime deities: Phlotus the Giver, Savras Istus the Arbiter, and Myrkul Nerull the Keeper, created planes of all shapes and sizes to contain other beings, and to escape from those that could not be contained. Phlotus breathed life into the planes as Myrkul Nerull snuffed it out. Left out of the cycle Savras Istus offered a child to Myrkul Nerull to let her watch and guide the creatures through life. Thus life saw fate, and fate led to death. The introduction of a mortal lifespan marked the end of the first age.

    More reading
    The Time Before

The Second Age

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    The Times of War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    At the dawn of the second age a young god was born. Given the name Tempus, he was charged by his father, Myrkul Nerull to gather mortal souls. Tempus set out to the planes and walked among the mortals, primitive beasts and apes of the time, and taught them the ways of war. Clusters of mortals lived together and began fighting other clusters, resulting in higher mortal death rates than expected.

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    The Times of Peace
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Upset at Myrkul Nerull using their child to further his wants, Savras Istus went to Phlotus to create another god set to undo the damage that Tempus caused throughout the planes. This god, Eldath Rao, set out to end the everlasting wars throughout the planes. Eldath Rao followed Tempus in a universal chase of war followed by peace.

The Third Age

5000 14999

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    2000 3A

    The Times of Darkness
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Feeling as though he has completed his work here, Phlotus disappeared into the cosmos leaving his creations in darkness under the control of Myrkul Nerull. Without all three prime deities protecting the realms that which does not know death came out in the darkness and began devouring the mortal beings left behind and destroying whole worlds. Myrkul Nerull satisfied with the death of the mortals watched as life began to end.

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    The Times of Light
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Worried for the sake of the mortals she cares for Savras Istus sought out Phlotus. She asked that he not abandon his creations and to give them light to fight off the darkness. Phlotus snapped Sirrion into existence and instructed him to give the mortals fire. Sirrion created a massive ball of fire and placed it in the sky to allow all mortals to have light and reprieve from the evils of the night.

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    The Birth of a Star
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Upon seeing the ball of fire in the sky, Eldath Rao fell in love and the two created life in the form of Aureon Celestian who found a strong oak tree to meditate under to stabilize the unstable ball of fire.

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    The Left Hand of the Keeper
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Upset at being fooled by Phlotus and foiled by Sirrion, Myrkul Nerull severed three fingers from his left hand to watch over the planes as he searched the cosmos for Phlotus. As the fingers landed in the soil they rose up to become Chemosh Kelemvor, Lozitar, and Shara Takhisis. The three working to maintain the kingdom left behind by their father under the rule of their elder brother Tempus, crowned the King of the Dead in Myrkul Nerull's abscence.

The Fourth Age

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    The War of the Heavens

    Tempus's younger siblings set out to claim the throne as their own. A fray ensued throughout the planes. The gods tumbled and destroyed almost every plane they landed and fought on. An era of pure divine power ripping through the cosmos resulted in the creation of several deities, but when the dust settled at the end, it was realized that the discourse itself created Hextor.

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    The Children of War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In the battle for the kingdom of death, Tempus traded blows his rebellious siblings. He swung his sword at Lozitar with such might that he tore the plane in half and created Heironeous Tyr. Chemosh Kelemvor struck back and destroyed Tempus's shield, the pieces forming together into Paladine. With the freed hand, Tempus swung a thunderous punch toward Chemosh Kelemvor and generated Trithereon Torm.

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    The Tree of Life
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the war wreaked havoc across the planes Aureon Celestian focused on his meditation. His divine power soaked into the tree he was under and it became sentient, going by the name Beory Chislev. The tree bore three fruits, each with a seed that grew in to St. Cuthbert, Zivilyn, and Gilean Oghma.

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    A Stable Sun
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Aureon Celestian was able to stabilize the sun over the planes through meditation, he left Beory Chislev to create more stars in the cosmos to give light even in darkness. In Aureon Celestian's absence, St. Cuthbert began meditation beneath Beory Chislev to work with it to hold the plane in balance in these tumultuous times.

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    Shadow Soldiers
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Feeling outnumbered and outmatched Shara Takhisis ripped the shadows from Paladine and Trithereon Torm creating Sargonnas the Fury and Bane.

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    9999 4A

    The Battle of the Prime Material Plane

    After the destruction of countless material planes there was only one remaining. When the deities stumbled upon the last one, held together by St. Cuthbert and Beory Chislev, they noticed an aura preventing them from manifesting their whole powers. Nonetheless the gods found themselves charging at one another. Through the dust Lozitar was able to spot Tempus and ran him through with his blade. Tempus fell to his knees, Lozitar began to slowly and methodically hack away at Tempus. Tempus finally fell to the ground whispering to the dirt, followed by a long exhale. The final breath rose visible and became Talonus Morgab. The sword that struck Tempus down fell from the hands of Lozitar and rose as Bhaal. The fighting stopped as the others realized one of them had been slain. These gods vowed to refrain from physically returning to the plane, noting that while they walked here they became mortal.

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    Maintaining the Balance
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Maintaining the balance of the last material plane through the War of the Heavens was incredibly taxing on St. Cuthbert. He channeled all of his power to ensure that Beory Chislev could spread his roots throughout the plane to hold it together. Giving up all of himself he went into stasis, becoming a stone image of himself, eternally meditating under the Tree of Life.

The Seventh Age

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    The Spell Plague
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

The Eighth Age

200000 and beyond

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    10 Phlotai

    The Death Curse