Surri Meri Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil

Surri Meri

A large and prosperous city, Surri Meri is the political and trade capitol of Fredsfelder. Representatives of each of the country's main population centers gather three times a year to discuss national matters.   With deep waters and soft, sandy shores, travel by sea is more manageable for large vessels, making this the primary trade port for the nation.   Summers bring cool nights and warm days, with heavy fog in the early morning that burns off with the rising sun. Bitter nights, freezing days, high winds off the sea, freezing rain and heavy snow are common Winter hazards.    
Primary Residents: Human, Dwarf, Gnome
  Primary Language: Common, Dwarvish, Gnomish
  Market Trade: General trade goods, fish, goats, & sheep
  Temples: Primary: Sylvar, Abadar Smaller: Elhaz, Imyrwen
    To know before your travels:    
  • If you plan to visit Fredsfelder by sea, Surri Meri will be your bustling introduction to and fond farewell from the nation. Travel in the Northern seas is quite dangerous in the Winter, so plan you visit between the year's thaw and freeze.

  • The temple of Sylvar heads the God's Race festival each Summer. A test of artistry, athletics and teamwork, boroughs fight for honor and the blessing of Sylvar for the year ahead. The competition is something to see, and the festivities on the beach suit those of us whose strengths lie in enjoying local food and drink in the sun.

  • The Guardian Light-towers that line the coast are beautiful works of carved stone imported all the way from Qayalar. Each depicts an aspect of Sylvar's domain, and are staffed by acolytes of the god. You can gain permission to visit the top of the towers by making your request and paying tribute at the temple of Sylvar. The view is worth your efforts!
The lighthouses of Surri Meri

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