Fennis Peninsula Settlement in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Fennis Peninsula

Empire of All
A map of the territory of the Empire of All after the secessions post war with the Elven Court.
  The mountainous, cold southern peninsula region. Once a loose confederacy of hobgoblin tribes known as Kuravale.  


The hobgoblins native the region have many cultural differences to the rest of the continent, or even to their kin from outside the region.
  • Clans: Most hobgoblins belong to a clan to whom they owe a life of service. These clans will often dictate ones position and occupation based on a mix of birth and skill.
  • Ritual Cannibalism: Kuravale Hobgoblins believe that spiritual power resides in the body, even after death, and that aspects of this other person can be passed on through consumption of the flesh. Honored family members are traditionally eaten by their descendants so their strength and honor can live on through them, though in modern times this is usually ceremonial in nature, with only small pieces of muscle eaten while most of the body is cremated. Honorable foes, slain in battle, are also eaten by the victor as a sign of respect, acknowledging the opponent's strength by wanting to take that strength into oneself.
  • Gender: Kuravale does not have the same idea of gender as most of the rest of the continent. There are considered to be two genders in Kuravale culture. These genders are Meisho and Juijun, and they are wholly distinct from biological sex. Meisho roughly translates to "leader" or "strong willed" and the people of this gender tend to be dominant, strong, and decisive. Only about 1 in 5 people are Meisho, and they make up most governing, leadership, and military roles. Leaders and soldiers and family heads are traditionally Meisho. Most people are Juijun, which means "submissive" or "supporting". People of this gender tend to be followers, supporters, and nurturers, fulfilling roles as servants, farmers, merchants, homemakers, and civilians.
  • Marriage: Polygamy is practiced in Kuravale culture, with one Meisho as the family head who will have many Juijun mates, typically of the opposite sex, but not always. The reason for this is for a) hierarchy within the family unit and b) hope that the strong traits of the Meisho will be passed to as many children as possible. Couplings between Juijun are discouraged, but considered a natural occurance when Meisho are scarce or the Juijun are unappealing. Couplings between Meisho are traditionally taboo, as the hierarchy cannot be easily established.


The population of the Fennis Peninsula is primarily made up of Hobgoblins, with a decent sized Orc, Goblin, Bugbear, and Human population as well, which has grown in the years since the Empire claimed it.


The Fennis Peninsula is a territory of The Empire of All, and as such is run under imperial law. It has an imperial governor: Governor Hrenkahn, who is regularly evaluated and put for re-election.    The Fennis Peninsula is notably more independent that other imperial regions, due primarily to their willing surrender at the tail end of the Empire's invasion. This surrender, negotiated by General Hrexen, allowed the former confederacy of Kuravale to keep their primary governing system: a council of clan leaders and a royal family. This council does the actual governing of the region, while the governor plays the role of oversight, ensuring their decisions and policies line up with the Imperial Legistratus. As such, laws and customs are slightly different in the region.

Industry & Trade

Fennis Peninsula holds much of the Empire's weapon and armor manufacturing, having already held many master metallurgists. These industries have been expanded in the years since joining the empire.


According to the hobgoblins of Kuravale, the Fennis Peninsula was once an untamed region of wild beasts, mountain giants, and harpies. The hobgoblins of Kuravale, themselves hailing from the distant land of Nibotsu, were cast out of their homeland by the humans there after a long and bloody conflict. After a long sea voyage, they discovered the southern tip of Lystal and settled there. They brought with them the culture of their native land, accounting for the large cultural differences between them and hobgoblins native to Lystal.   After settling the region, and with the immediate danger passed, the newcomers quickly began to split back into their original clans and fight amongst themselves. In order to preserve some sense of peace and unity, the oldest and largest clan among them, who held the favor of an ancient animal god, brought the strongest clans together into a loose confederacy known as Kuravale. This clan, the Mainwa, declared their main line a royal line of Shoguns, while gathering the other clan leaders into a council.   For the next several centuries, Kuravale existed like this, mostly fighting small wars amongst themselves with occasional raids and conquests to the north, bringing them into conflict with the orcs and humans of the barren steppes leading up to the Sen'Sarat Desert.   Eventually, the Empire invaded in their unifying crusade. At first Kuravale refused to surrender, putting up a long and bloody fight that lasted a couple of years. This invasion was eventually headed by Edith Checkovitch. However, seeing they doomed to lose to the sheer strength of the Empire, Hrexen pleaded with the council, and eventually convinced them to surrender in exchange for keeping some independence and culture, even offering up her own services as a general as a bargaining chip. The Empire accepted the terms and the Fennis Peninsula became a region of the Empire.   When Trisha Alrestrauch took the throne as Empress and regions were allowed to secede, there was much debate within the region whether to return to an independent state. Ultimately, the people of Kuravale decided that life had improved under the empire, and they chose to stay, making them one of the only "special status" region to do so.


Fennis Peninsula's tourism industry has grown much of late. Many people from across the Empire visit the region to experience its exotic culture, and cool, mountainous landscapes. This is especially true in the winter, as the region is one of the few places in the Empire that receives snow.   The people there have capitalized on this with increased public art works, guided tours, and festivals celebrating the rare local fauna. Flower viewings in the spring are especially popular.


The Fennis Peninsula includes several different biomes within its territory. The northern sections outside of the peninsula itself, mostly consist of dry plains, steppes, and hard-earthed badlands. The elevation quickly increases as you go south into the peninsula itself, with many high-peaked mountains and plateaus dot the region, separated by heavily forested valleys. It can get cold and snowy in the highlands, especially in the winter months.
Alternative Name(s)
National Territory
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