Trisha Alrestrauch Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Trisha Alrestrauch

Empress Trisha the Peacemaker

Fierce warrior, and the current Empress of the Empire of All.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Trisha's most striking features are her raven-black hair and dark eyes. She is considered beautiful by many, but does not put special effort into it. Underneath her armor and clothes, she also has many scars from her life fighting the demons hunting her.

Apparel & Accessories

Before becoming Empress, Trisha would usually wear a breastplate underneath a long black coat. As Empress, she typically wears the golden armor worn by Emperor Leonidas in public appearances, but also has more casual clothes of black, gold, and red, typically with a cape.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Trisha was born as the only child to the Alrestrauch family, a noble house in the war-torn steppe lands between Grattenmar and the Sen'Sarat Desert. Her family owned a large section of land where they raised horses and stayed out of the wars to the south.   When Trisha was a small child, her family found an escaped gladiator washed up on a river. They took him in, hid him from the slave hunters, and gave him the name "Leonus". This man would become Emperor Leonidas. Trisha became close to Leonus, who taught her swordsmanship and survival skills, while she taught him letters, mathmatics, and sciences she'd learned from her tutors. He told her about his life, and the hardships non-humans faced in the lands to the south, and from him Trisha learned compassion, and shared with him a dream, of a world where all people could live together in harmony.   She was betrayed by him, when Leonus, along with two others, Targren and Dalio, used the power of the grails to sacrifice the lives of her parents, and all those in their estate to demons in order to grant their wishes. Though Leonus had not intended Trisha be caught up in the ritual, she had snuck back to the house after being sent away, and was marked as well. Using the skills he'd taught her, she somehow managed to slay the demon trying to take her soul and escape the mansion.   Swearing revenge, Trisha began to wander the land, at first to survive, and then to hunt down those who'd murdered her family. All the while, she was cursed to summon demons if she slept in darkness. Her skills with blades improved through necessity.   Eventually, her search led her to meet Sathias Firevale, and with his help, killed two of the conspirators, as well as discovered the identity of the third: Emperor Leonidas. Shortly after, she met Opal, Raina Tallatina, and Ira, and worked together with them against the Empire. At one point, she was captured by Leonidus, who took her to his palace and tried to convince her to join him, telling her his motivations that night, to create the world they both wished for, where she would rule as his successor. She rejected him, and was rescued by her friends. Then, In the final battle at Casal Issilideth, she helped slay Emperor Leonidas himself.   Leonidas had prepared for his death, however, and had already used his powers to lay the seeds of Trisha's succession. He'd convinced most of the Empire's population that Trisha was his rightful successor, and with his death, the military bowed to her. Though she'd rejected his way of things, she embraced this new duty, and took the throne as the new Empress of the Empire of All, hoping to reform the Empire into a righteous utopia, which would unite the world through peace instead of war.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
3137 33 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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