Grandsun is the owner of one of the bakeries in Berghest. He is well known for his delicous desserts and crispy breads. Grandsun has sleaked grey hair and a bushy grey beard. He is a middle aged man that talks with a lisp.
Grey sleaked
5ft 10in

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In 5000 AC settlers from the continent Katatan arrived on Berghen. Where these settler arrived on Berghen is where the development of Berghest began in 5000 AC. Berghest was victim to the first Goblin War from 5002 AC to 5010 AC. Since the goblin war Berghest has grown swiftly as the trade capital of Berghen. Here trade ships, merchants, and adventurers gather to sell many different goods from weapons, food, tools, magic items and much more. One of Berghens architectural wonders is built within this city. This statue is a 151 foot tall depiction of Tartaris Stargazer looking through a telescope.


  • Berghest
Founding Date
5000 AC
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Articles under Berghest

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The smallest of the giant eurypterids can grow to about the size of a large dog. These eurypterids are a staple food for people living in marshlands, who add the meat to heavily spiced stews, but they're otherwise considered dangerous pests.

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The groplit is a squat little animal shaped like a water droplet, with a bulbous rear end and an eel-like face that juts from a narrow skull. Its rear legs are more muscular than those in front, which it primarily uses for balance, giving it the gait and appearance of a toad. Groplits are best known for their greasy skin and queasy hygienic habits: they spend most of each day using their two long tongues to slurp up their own oily excretions or similarly viscous discharge originating from plants or other animals. Although they prefer to dwell in northern wetlands, fens, and moist caves, groplits can thrive in all but the most barren environments. They'll eat just about anything, though they tend to prefer small, crunchy animals like bugs and birds.   Groplits are famously loyal and highly sociable companions, and they make for dedicated, if somewhat odd-looking, pets. They can be taught simple commands and appear to take great pride in obeying them, performing stunts even in the face of obvious danger. An unscrupulous master might train a groplit with the intent to sacrifice it in an emergency, a fate to which the groplit is happily resigned. This single-minded obedience and their slow reproductive rate make groplits fairly rare in the wild.   As a result of the way their bones are structured, groplits exhibit an imperturbable smile, of sorts—a physical feature which some find as creepy (or enraging) as others find it endearing. Its apparently ceaseless jubilation has given this creature the nickname “the grinning toad” in some parts of the world.   Because they love to lap up oily matter of all kinds, groplits are naturally drawn to greasy animals like slurks, giant slugs, and lagofirs. For the most part, such animals rarely mind the company of an amiable groplit, though there's no such thing as a free meal; groplits who drop their guard amid their found family often end up on the wrong side of their companions' intestinal tracts.

This article has no secrets.
The groplit is a squat little animal shaped like a water droplet, with a bulbous rear end and an eel-like face that juts from a narrow skull. Its rear legs are more muscular than those in front, which it primarily uses for balance, giving it the gait and appearance of a toad. Groplits are best known for their greasy skin and queasy hygienic habits: they spend most of each day using their two long tongues to slurp up their own oily excretions or similarly viscous discharge originating from plants or other animals. Although they prefer to dwell in northern wetlands, fens, and moist caves, groplits can thrive in all but the most barren environments. They'll eat just about anything, though they tend to prefer small, crunchy animals like bugs and birds.   Groplits are famously loyal and highly sociable companions, and they make for dedicated, if somewhat odd-looking, pets. They can be taught simple commands and appear to take great pride in obeying them, performing stunts even in the face of obvious danger. An unscrupulous master might train a groplit with the intent to sacrifice it in an emergency, a fate to which the groplit is happily resigned. This single-minded obedience and their slow reproductive rate make groplits fairly rare in the wild.   As a result of the way their bones are structured, groplits exhibit an imperturbable smile, of sorts—a physical feature which some find as creepy (or enraging) as others find it endearing. Its apparently ceaseless jubilation has given this creature the nickname “the grinning toad” in some parts of the world.   Because they love to lap up oily matter of all kinds, groplits are naturally drawn to greasy animals like slurks, giant slugs, and lagofirs. For the most part, such animals rarely mind the company of an amiable groplit, though there's no such thing as a free meal; groplits who drop their guard amid their found family often end up on the wrong side of their companions' intestinal tracts.

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The shrouded woods have earned their name from the intense fog that fills the area. This fog is caused by two colliding waterfalls coming from the cragged mountains to the north. This waterfall pours into an unnamed river that flows into the Tartaris River further south. Many predators roam here using senses that no mere eyes are capable of. Dangerous plants are also a threat due to the greenhouse effect giving them incredible size. The river is also mineral rich which has caused the wildlife that relies on it to grow larger as well.


The Shrouded Woods is a forest with thick undergrowth that is difficult to move through. There are many hills, ravines, and ledges due to the vacinity of the Cragged Mountain range. Thick tree trunks can be seen disappearing into the fog above as they reach incredible heights for a taste of sunlight. A lake flows through these woods leading further south to connect with another river. It is mineral rich and clean for drinking.


Many different dangerous plants thrive in the area eating creatures that have lost their way in the fog. The wildlife is also quite menacing as ordinary creatures grow larger in the area due to the mineral rich water. The fog creates enough moisture for plants, fungus and amphibious creatures to thrive in the environment.


Generally the forest is hot and humid during the warmer months of the year. However as the temperature begins to cool the fog slowly dissipates as the waterfalls begin to freeze for the winter.


Many adventurers, artists and bards lose their way in these woods looking for the twin falls in the northern Cragged Mountains. The twin falls are a majestic sight to behold and are even more captivating once they have frozen for the winter.
Location under

The Twin Falls is located at the base of the Northern Cragged Mountains. Two mighty waterfalls pour from a ledge into a flowing river below. At their base the waterfalls collide violently into a large cloud of mist that surrounds the area with a dense fog. This is one of Berghen's less habitable areas and is much more wild than where Berghest or Tartaran is located. The Forest is dense and difficult to move through with gnarly twisting vines groping at ankles with every step.   Before even the sound of the falls can be heard a fog from their violent collision sweeps through the forest. Within the fog predators have adapted to the low level of vision and use different senses to hunt their prey.


The Twin Falls run off the cragged mountains into a river that flows through a dense forest. Pine tree's of all sorts grow here reaching record heights. The crystal clear water is refreshing and full of minerals collected by runoff from the snowy peaks. The area is generous with hills, ravines and ledges that are difficult to spot in the fog from the falls.


Freshwater fish thrive in this river and reach enormous sizes due to the mineral rich water. The plants grow large and fast due to a greenhouse effect caused by the fog in the area. Pine trees grow large to reach above the fog for just a taste of sunlight at their crowns. Many different reptiles, fungus, insects and plants that thrive in humidity can be found living amongst the forest floor. Mephits, Oozes, bats and other creatures take to the sky or hang out in the canopies above waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey.

Localized Phenomena

The twin falls during winter are quite a spectacle to behold. They appear frozen in time as the solid water grips the lakes surface from the ledges 1,000 feet above. The winter sun gives the thick ice a radiant shine that can be blinding if stared at for too long.


During the warmer months of the year this area is incredibly humid and often similar to a hothouse on a grand scale. When the temerature begins to cool the fog slowly disipates as the falls begin to freeze during winter. When the falls have frozen over the area become visible once again revealing a snow ladden forest shimmering in the winter sun.

Fauna & Flora

Many vines grow between the trunks of trees making it difficult to move through the terrain. Undergrowth is especially difficult to move through because of its large size.


Many adventurers tell tales of the twin falls and their beauty during the winter months. Only those brave enough to risk an encounter with the forest's denizens would dare attempt to seek the twin falls.
Location under

Berghen is a continent of wonders and dangers. The continent is full of beautiful forests of different colors, Night skies that shimmer with streams of light, a mountain range that appears to touch the cosmos, and plains that stretch large sections of the western region. Though there are many beauties in Berghen there are also many dangers. The flora and fauna native to this continent are quite dangerous and frequently cause havoc for those that have settled in Berghen. The unexplored regions of the continent are host to treacherous environmental conditions like freezing tundra's to the north, dark and decrepit lands to the west. The southern and western regions are the safest regions of Berghen although the east, and north have yet to be explored or settled upon. The western region is where the new settlers have begun to construct their homes. They rely on the lands potent agricultural capabilities for trade among the few other settlements that exist via the traveling merchants. There is much lost history to be discovered in Berghen but those that attempt such feats of discovery rarely return.


  • Berghen

In 5000 AC settlers from the continent Katatan arrived on Berghen. Where these settler arrived on Berghen is where the development of Berghest began in 5000 AC. Berghest was victim to the first Goblin War from 5002 AC to 5010 AC. Since the goblin war Berghest has grown swiftly as the trade capital of Berghen. Here trade ships, merchants, and adventurers gather to sell many different goods from weapons, food, tools, magic items and much more. One of Berghens architectural wonders is built within this city. This statue is a 151 foot tall depiction of Tartaris Stargazer looking through a telescope.


  • Berghest
Founding Date
5000 AC
Location under

Articles under Berghest

This article has no secrets.
Berghen is a continent of wonders and dangers. The continent is full of beautiful forests of different colors, Night skies that shimmer with streams of light, a mountain range that appears to touch the cosmos, and plains that stretch large sections of the western region. Though there are many beauties in Berghen there are also many dangers. The flora and fauna native to this continent are quite dangerous and frequently cause havoc for those that have settled in Berghen. The unexplored regions of the continent are host to treacherous environmental conditions like freezing tundra's to the north, dark and decrepit lands to the west. The southern and western regions are the safest regions of Berghen although the east, and north have yet to be explored or settled upon. The western region is where the new settlers have begun to construct their homes. They rely on the lands potent agricultural capabilities for trade among the few other settlements that exist via the traveling merchants. There is much lost history to be discovered in Berghen but those that attempt such feats of discovery rarely return.


  • Berghen

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