A3- Escape

General Summary

ACT 3 - Escape

1496.SU.77   Doug clearing the sleep from his eyes stirs from his bedroll and in uncertainty what to do whilst being a hunted halfling in the village; and unsure where his companion is he heads to the local river to fish for his lunch. After catching a small trout Doug headed back to the tent hidden in the Edermath Orchard. On route he could see a large burly human woman heading towards the house on the orchard. Quickly Doug dives behind a tree avoiding being seen. Watching from a distance he sees the woman clad in heavy armour banging on the door but to no answer. After she peers through the windows into the empty house, she appears satisfied and heads back up the path directing the numerous guards back to the manor.   Meanwhile Draco’s interrogation at the hands of Maple Barkenskin is coming to an end. Satisfying the elf that he was unfortunately in the wrong place at the wrong time and was in fact a victim of the halfling thief. Maple releasing Draco from the dungeon told him to stay in the area in case there was further questioning. In addition, she kept all of his weapons except his dagger and his chainmail armour.   Now released Draco on route back to the tent seeing the returning guards decided to inspect a number of ruins which took him away from the guards and didn’t raise suspicion. After a short walk the long route around the village arriving at the smithy to collect his now complete silver tipped spear. Shortly after he arrived at the hidden tent and proceeded to tell Doug everything that had happened.   Undeterred by the Draco’s story Doug plans to burgle another outline house, to the south of Phandalin. Heading out at night the pair sneak around the perimeter of the village old stone wall, arriving at the small house. Doug as he approaches sees lights coming from the windows and the vague sign of movement inside. Draco uncomfortable at the prospect of facing another interrogation decides he doesn’t want to be a part of the action. Leaving he heads back to the orchard to rest for the night.   Now alone Doug realises that things might be a bit too dangerous in the village as he is a wanted halfling. Seeing the trail leaving Phandalin south Doug decides to investigate where it goes. After walking for a number of hours towards the sword mountains, just before dawn Doug comes across the huge entrance in the side of mountain. Venturing inside he soon discovers Axeholm stronghold. After poking around for a while, he realises that it is a place for refuge during attacks on the outlying areas. Speaking with a number of guards he sleeps on a spare cot with the miners. Waking after a long rest and feeling much better he begin the long journey back to Phandalin.   As dawn breaks Draco now alone and without a tent or bedroll heads to Barthen’s provisions to purchase supplies and equipment. Then with no option to prove his innocence without Doug he heads to Stonehill Inn and drinks with Gustaf Stellern AKA Falcon. Listening to Falcon recount stories of when he entertained Neverwinter’s elite at the hunting lodge. Story after story, drink after drink Draco waits for Doug to return however after 10 hours of drinking and now very much pickled, he heads upstairs in the inn to sleep.   Doug arriving on the outskirts of the village can see a few guards with torches patrolling the old stone wall on the boundary. Worried about heading into the village he shouts at the top of his voice “DRACO”. Unfortunately, Draco is now deep in a drunken slumber doesn’t hear the distant call, however the patrol guards do and begin to converge on the Doug’s location. Sneaking into the village towards the largest inn Doug avoids the approaching guards. With no option but to look for Draco personally and to avoid the attention of the guards Doug heads into the Stonehill Inn. Immediately he is met with Toblen Stonehill the inn owner who is clearing the bar and tables for the night. With all the guards and patrons talking about the halfling murder Toblen in fear of his life begins to yell at the top of his voice “MURDER” and “THIEF”, not only attracting the attention of the patrolling guards he also wakes Draco who is rest only the floor above. Doug sprinting out of the inn flees for the edge of the village only to be caught by not only one of the guards but in a strange turn of event Draco. Both the guard and Draco bind his hands and help carry him up to Tresandor Manor. When reaching the manor, the large burly woman Raziel Willow and the antlered Elf Maple Barkenskin are waiting to take Doug to the dungeon. Thanking Draco for aiding in the capture of the murder he is returned his weapons and gifted a small purse of gold coins.   Doug who was bundled down into the dungeon, stripped of all his belongings except his long johns was then locked inside a sturdy iron cell. After trying to bribe the guards with a poultry amount and then accusing another guard of potentially wrong doings. Maple Barkenskin the slender elf with large antlers sprouting from her head. She asked many questions of Doug and every time he lied a muffled voice would shout “He’s a liar” and “Murder”. Eventually Doug gave in and admitted to killing Beric Chamberpot. At this point Maple almost as if a puppet pulled a large flaming sword from its scabbard and it clearly now shouted “HA SEE HE ADMITS IT HE’S A MURDER”. Maple then temporarily regained control and begun to berate the enchanted sword calling it Ruin. Doug now looking nervous begins to back away from the cell bars. Suddenly Maple in puppet form strikes out at Doug with a thrust through the bars. The flaming sword pierces his small chest, and he slowly slumps to the floor as once again Maple regains control and begins arguing with the enchanted sword. Before Doug’s vision fades, he hears the merciless laughing of the sword ruin.   Meanwhile Draco unaware of the events in the dungeon, begins to head out of Phandalin now with his name clear and a goal in mind, finding the boy Everett Abbott at Falcon's Hunting Lodge.

Missions/Quests Completed

Escape Phandalin without being captured,

Character(s) interacted with

Maple Barkenskin - Co Owner of Phandalin and District Shipping Company.   Raziel Willow - Co Owner of Phandalin and District Shipping Company.   Fafnir Fairhart - Employee at Phandalin and District Shipping Company.

The Big Clear out
Report Date
29 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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