Session 30: Have a Gamble Report

General Summary

Martin d'Jorasco, Magnum Opus, and Moe Boom started at the Afterlife Casino continuing to run recon for a possible upcoming heist. You met Quentin Togglepocket by posing as a high-roller. He seemed more than happy to sign an autograph, but offloaded you to a pit-boss when you started to become clingy. You tried to gain entry into the back room, but the pit-boss told you to first bring a 10k investment for them to permit entry to view the security. After concluding your business, you noticed Artemis Sindarin was nowhere to be found. You visited the restaraunt behind the waterfall, but were ultimately unable to find Artemis. You left, and presumed he probably went to either the Ship or the Factory.   GwyNyx  and Vivienne arrived at the Factory around this time, and immediately noticed a break in. There were a few thieves discussing how they would be transporting. You also noticed Sandara Quinn was unconscious, her body being hidden behind some crates. You confronted the thieves, managing to kill two before Gwynyx was knocked unconscious. Vivienne tried to go toe to toe with the remaining leader, but he got frustrated and left after some good blows. When he left, he took Sandara with him while Vivienne struggled to climb out of the basement. After not finding any sign of the fleeing thief, Vivienne returned to check on Gwynyx and found a dwarf standing in the door named Barragin.   Barragin claimed to be sent by Artemis, and immediately offered to help. Just as Vivienne was meeting him, the other members of the party showed up and healed Gwynyx. Everyone got caught up on the situation, and Gwynyx cast a Scrying spell to try to figure out where Sandara was. Your divination revealed that she was in the sewers, and you were witnessing a meeting between her kidnappers and other nefarious individuals. Among these individuals was your Majordomo, Timothy Owliphant, who you leared was actually working for Liberty Mutual Insurance. Timothy was apparently impersonating your Majordomo who you learned arrived in Port Blackwater, but no one has heard from him since. Timothy killed Sandara's kidnapper, while another individual said they had plans for Sandara and left with her.   After learning about Timothy's deception, you discussed what you were going to do next. You rested for the evening and got to know your new companion. And now you wait...

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