Session 31: Betrayal at Port Blackwater Report

General Summary

You learned that Timothy Owliphant, A.K.A. Orky Ork, was indeed an imposter. He was sent by Liberty Mutual Insurance. You are still not fully aware of his intentions, but you confronted him about his dark dealings all the same. When you encountered him, he brought with him some of Rocky's brothers, and his girlfriend (presumably). Using the powers of pursuasion, you were able to convince them that you had witnessed Orky murdering Rocky, and they put him out of his misery pretty quickly. Magnum Opus wanted to question Orky, so he used Animate Dead on the corpse. Through some powerful druiding, he managed to make the zombified Orky Ork very receptive to interrogation. Orky was none to pleased, but there was little he could do to stop it.   You questioned Orky Ork and learned that LMI has a headquarters on Second Street, in the dock district. You learned that the name of the mysterious woman was merely called M., and she worked for Big Pharma. They apparently had a vested interest in your franchise, which is why they took Sandara Quinn. You also learned that there was a secret cove where LMI had a presence outside of Port Blackwater. With all of these great details, you decided to split up... again.   Vivienne and Moe Boom went to find the Foot clan, a thieves? guild of some sort in the city. Moe deduced that they might work out of the Dallas Foot Warehouse in the city, and you had a secret meeting with one of their members (you didn't quite catch his name). Vivenne expressed an interest in joining the guild, and they asked for her to steal a pair of boots from the Afterlife casino. That sounds like it aligned with your broader interests, so you agreed.   Baragin and Martin d'Jorasco went to sixth street, where you had brunch and otherwise made merry. You met a lot of people who seemed to know Baragin, and asked some pretty probing questions of a Career waitress. Like normal, you asked a billion questions, and did not wait for answers; your interrogation skills sure are improving ;).   GwyNyx  and L3-37 Redgrave went to see Phense the Fence who hangs out by a Fence installed by Phense with a plaque that reads: "Phenses Fence." You made arrangements for the sale of your first point of plunder, but somewhat botched the negotiation. You managed to sell it at around 90% value.   Magnum went to investigate the cove, and made friends with Charlie, the shark. He tried to describe an elaborate signal to the shark that let's him know it is feeding time, but Charlie just seemed hungry. The cove itself was heavily camoflaged, and had a narrow passageway to enter. Inside Magnum found a small operations building with a warehouse, as well as docks large enough for two sailing ships. You gathered that your current vessel could enter, but that anything like a Man o War would be too large to navigate the narrow passage. You did not see any sign of a connection out in the open, and thus resigned yourself to meet back up with the rest of the group.   So, after a productive morning, you all regrouped on Sixth Street; time to discuss your next move I suppose.

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