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Travel to Emberwood Village Report

General Summary

The Haze Hunters meet

  The party (tentatively called "haze hunters") meet for the first time in Altberg. Eren Marlowe put out a sudden needed call for caravan guards. 10 gold higher than normal price. He was stiffed last minute by another party. He is taking supplies to Emberwood Village. The travel takes 15 days in total and in the meantime he gets to know his guards with some friendly talk.   

Meeting some new "friends"

  Middle of the day on their 14th day of travel the party comes across a bandit named Brikenback who claims himself to be guarding the road and that he needs to charge a toll to let them pass. With a clever use of Charm Person and some good persuasion the party gain some insight on The Queen's Men. They are told that they can meet Blackjack Mel and avoid the fees for joining by saying Brikenback is calling in a favor. He lets them go before the spell lapses and he learned he was forcefully charmed.  

Delerium Dreg

  That night cmaping just outside the cities reach the party comes across some worse-for-ware interpid adventures whom were betrayed within the walls of Drakkenheim, led my a man named Rikard Vos. he asks for a small respite with him and his companions. One of whom, Endra Jensen suffered severe Contamination and mutated into a Delerium Dreg that night and attacked them after a horrific transformation. Rikard Vos slayed him and after some convincing widdled out a minor favor from him to be called upon at a later time.

Rewards Granted

Dungeons Of Drakkenheim

Flint Gobslayer

Player Journals
Backstory by Nyx
Current Questions by Nyx
4 adventurers by Nyx
Timeloop by Nyx
The Team by Nyx
Notes by Nyx
Skull and Sword by Nyx
Report Date
29 Oct 2022
Secondary Location
Emberwood Village

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