Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III | World Anvil

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Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

Chaotic Good Human (Variant) (Priest of Murth)
Cleric 3
33 / 33 HP

Short in stature for a human. Brown short well maintained hair. Brown eyes, like his mother's Smooth features Only peach fuzz growing

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Other characters
10th of July AWE 211

A Plan to stop the Darkness

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

While at High Guard getting our equipment repaired, we were taking some time to relax and meet Daisi's mother and look about the town.
Daisi bought a dress to meet with her Mom and we all met up at the tavern after perusing the shops.
As the eclipse drew near, we heard screams and Eggy told us he saw multiple avatars of Death arriving in the streets.
We looked outside to discover what all the commotion was about and we saw Dragons on the horizon approaching the city.
We also noticed that the Eclipse had halted, like some powerful ritual was being used to stop the Primal of Darkness from arriving.
Daisi's Mom was given information from the primal of darkness that there was a Grand Ritual keeping the eclipse from occurring.
She pointed us in the right direction, and we came across an underground basement/bunker of sorts. Locked down tightly, Eggy was able to slip through with his echo and get it unlocked for us.
Stealthily we approached the doorway and surprised the cultists and bandits beyond.
A large pool of blood in the center of the room was being used to channel something....
Continuing beyond we came across a strange eye in the wall of a room that shot beams at us, destroying the eye, we find more pools of blood, (much smaller than the first) in the same chamber.
Venturing further still, we enter a room of cells, like a prison, another Eye is in there and was quickly dispatched by John.
We found a Soldier of Darkness and a few others chained up and held in these prisons and it appears they were being bled to fill the pools of blood.

Lazarus's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Little Fischer
    21st day of June 211 AWE
  2. Festival of Darkness
    22nd day of Jun 211 AWE
  3. First meeting with Master Fenfir
    21st day of Jun 211 AWE
  4. A Missing Protector
    21st-22nd day of June 211 AWE
  5. Alchemist supplies
    22nd-26th day of June 211 AWE
  6. Grover & Binks... and Drakus
    10th day of July 211 AWE
  7. Journey to High Guard for the FoD
    26th of June to 10th of July 211 AWE
  8. Children of Kevin
    26th day of June 211 AWE
  9. Murder in the Temple of Prafast?
    26th of June 211 AWE
  10. Dean & Sam - The Winchesters
    22nd day of June 211 AWE
  11. A Plan to stop the Darkness
    10th of July AWE 211

The major events and journals in Lazarus's history, from the beginning to today.

A Plan to stop the Darkness

While at High Guard getting our equipment repaired, we were taking some time to relax and meet Daisi's mother and look about the town. Daisi bought a dress to meet with her Mom and we all met up at the tavern after perusing the shops. As the eclipse...

01:24 am - 02.04.2022

Grover & Binks... and Drakus

On a previous encounter with Master Fenfir, he provided a note to bring to them. We arrived and found Grover cowering in fear to a Soldier of the Dark. We exchanged words and a spell; We found out he was actually the leader of the Soldiers of the Da...

04:39 pm - 20.03.2022

Journey to High Guard FoD

Upon delivery of the wheat for the baker from the mill, we found ourselves with not much time left to travel to High Guard for the Festival of Darkness We arrive with only some minor Kraken meat shenanigans, and meeting up with Kevin on the way. Co...

03:54 am - 20.03.2022

Murder in the Temple?

Shortly after Kevin gives birth, he identified a protector and accused him (with evidence) that he murdered preistess Kayli We interrogate him and find a note in thieves' cant that said they need to remove the priestess of the Temple of the light in Pr...

03:31 am - 20.03.2022

Kevin's Children

In the morning Daisi and Ian helped Priestess Shea to help Kevin give birth. 4 children Kevin the herb picker Kevin the destroyer Kevin the tea maker Kevin the gatherer...

03:28 am - 20.03.2022

Alchemist supplies

While at the church, they have had trouble with supplies for calming pain and trouble for their orphans and patients. They identified an Alchemist that is about a days walk from the temple that we had been staying at. Kevin - The herbalist We are...

04:40 am - 13.03.2022

Dean & Sam

After returning from the Graveyard, in the temple we found a pair of Orphans (Sam & Dean Winchester) Their parents were killed hunting demons and were left to the church to care for....

04:36 am - 13.03.2022

Festival of Darkness

Once a year, there is a two week long Solar Eclipse. The Primal of Darkness is more pronounced during this time frame and the veil is much thinner during this period. From the 5th of July for 2 weeks. Not consistent. ...

04:09 am - 06.03.2022

First meeting with Master Fenfir

We accepted the request to go see the Robot's Master. We meet at the local tavern and sit to speak with and meet Master Fenfir. A High Elf of what looks to be very fine means. He offered a letter of reconnoitering to repair our equipment with Grover...

04:01 am - 06.03.2022

A Missing Protector

While visiting the city of Prafasd looking for work; The church Priestess Shea asked us to go looking for a protector that had not been seen in a week and the last time he was seen, he was heading to the Graveyard David Thompson is his name....

08:08 am - 27.02.2022

Little Fischer

Our first quest; we were told about a Father and daughter whom are missing. We followed a trail to a beach-side cave. Within the cave, we found several Merrow and Chuul We fought a strange zombie like Merrow that bit Eggy and almost killed him with...

07:54 am - 27.02.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Lazarus.

Played by

Other Characters by Bob_84