A Missing Protector by Lazarus | World Anvil

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21st-22nd day of June 211 AWE

A Missing Protector

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

While visiting the city of Prafast looking for work;
The church Priestess Shea asked us to go looking for a protector that had not been seen in a week and the last time he was seen, he was heading to the Graveyard
David Thompson is his name.
Update 22nd day of June 211 AWE
We went out to the Graveyard and found something was bringing the dead back as zombies and Ghouls.
We were also attacked by a Zombie Ogre that ran to alert it's master.
I found a broach that appears to be for a priestess.
We followed it and came across a Green Hag that had been raising undead and chopping them up to create monstrous undead creatures, like the Zombie Ogre that we fought.
She attempted to flee, but we were able to see her invisible retreat and cut off her Eagle polymorph.
Upon departing the Hag's hut, we found documents that indicated the Hag had hatred for Priestess Shea and there was massive footprints leaving the hut that appear to be heading toward town.
We picked up the Protectorate and began running toward town.
Upon arrival back to town, we heard loud noises from the tavern as well as screams from the temple.
We approached and found a odd construct (Flesh Golem) attacking the Priestess.
We dispatched the golem and discussed with the Priestess
I delivered the broach to the Priestess and they paid us for the information about the protectorate.

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