Alchemist supplies by Lazarus | World Anvil

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22nd-26th day of June 211 AWE

Alchemist supplies

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

While at the church, they have had trouble with supplies for calming pain and trouble for their orphans and patients.
They identified an Alchemist that is about a days walk from the temple that we had been staying at.
Kevin - The herbalist
We are leaving the morning of the 23rd to travel to see them.
On our route, we come across Jallar Brightwise; a wheat/bread merchant traveling with flour to Prafast. He asked us to bring some flour from the mill to Prafast as it wouldn't fit on his wagon.
Whom stated we could stay at the mill before the bridge at night before the Herbalist's shop.
We found a Troll under the bridge, which we bargained with and paid a few silver to accommodate the repairs for his bridge and passage.
We slept in the Mill and found several dead on the bridge in the morning. (on the 24th)
Some Bandits that are trying to destroy the bridge to cut off the farm from Prafast, and the Troll fought them off and was nearly dead.
We continued to travel north to Kevin's home/shop.
Kevin, is a good, variant on a Beholder, (hand Kevin, dead hand version?)
We helped remove a dead/petrified Hand Kevin to get him out of the house; during discussion with the other Kevin, we found that the mutant Merrow we killed on another mission took a bite of it and ran away.
We found out that the herbs needed were normally picked by Hand Kevin. But were now guarded by a group of bandits.
We headed North further where the plants are and found a group of Bandits that were picking the herbs we needed.
Through a grueling battle with a Gladiator, Druid, and several bandits, we eventually became victorious and obtained the flowers to return to Kevin for the flowers.
Upon return to Kevin's home we find Ian there with Kevin whom wants to accompany us to the Temple to "give birth"
We place our items onto a cart and pull it like a hand cart.
We picked up the flour at the Mill on the way back.
We arrive at the Temple and work with Kevin to grind the herbs into usable material.
We take a rest for the night and wake up to the Merrow Head that John severed and kept with him. It was trying to eat him.

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