Journey to High Guard for the FoD by Lazarus | World Anvil

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26th of June to 10th of July 211 AWE

Journey to High Guard for the FoD

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

Upon delivery of the wheat for the baker from the mill, a dozen delicious fresh baked buns;
We found ourselves with not much time left to travel to High Guard for the Festival of Darkness
As we depart, we see they are traveling with some raw fish in barrels and are offered some.
Lazarus eats some without cooking it and gets sick for a few days while traveling.
While traveling we come across Kevin as well and he decides to travel with us as we are both heading to High Guard.
Coming up to High Guard, there is a single entrance to the city mostly commoners living sprawled outside of the castle walls.
We were informed that "Metus" is here. Thousands of his "Soldiers of the Dark" were gathering in the fields outside of the sprawling commons

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