A Plan to stop the Darkness by Lazarus | World Anvil

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10th of July AWE 211

A Plan to stop the Darkness

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

While at High Guard getting our equipment repaired, we were taking some time to relax and meet Daisi's mother and look about the town.
Daisi bought a dress to meet with her Mom and we all met up at the tavern after perusing the shops.
As the eclipse drew near, we heard screams and Eggy told us he saw multiple avatars of Death arriving in the streets.
We looked outside to discover what all the commotion was about and we saw Dragons on the horizon approaching the city.
We also noticed that the Eclipse had halted, like some powerful ritual was being used to stop the Primal of Darkness from arriving.
Daisi's Mom was given information from the primal of darkness that there was a Grand Ritual keeping the eclipse from occurring.
She pointed us in the right direction, and we came across an underground basement/bunker of sorts. Locked down tightly, Eggy was able to slip through with his echo and get it unlocked for us.
Stealthily we approached the doorway and surprised the cultists and bandits beyond.
A large pool of blood in the center of the room was being used to channel something....
Continuing beyond we came across a strange eye in the wall of a room that shot beams at us, destroying the eye, we find more pools of blood, (much smaller than the first) in the same chamber.
Venturing further still, we enter a room of cells, like a prison, another Eye is in there and was quickly dispatched by John.
We found a Soldier of Darkness and a few others chained up and held in these prisons and it appears they were being bled to fill the pools of blood.

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