Little Fischer by Lazarus | World Anvil

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21st day of June 211 AWE

Little Fischer

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

Our first quest; we were told about a Father and daughter whom are missing.
We followed a trail to a beach-side cave.
Within the cave, we found several Merrow and Chuul
We fought a strange zombie like Merrow that bit Eggy and almost killed him with a contagion.
Little Girl Fischer was found and saved
Henry Fischer was found, remains only half, bones only.
We were able to bring Eggy back to the church and heal him with anti-venom created by the Priestess.
Priestess Shae; Temple of the light - Prafast
This quest was just north of the city Prafast
After Ian returned to the church from bringing Little Fischer to her Mother, we were approached by a strange metal man.
The metal man extended an invite to dinner to meet his master.
We do not know who that is as of yet, but we hope it will lead us to great things.

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  1. Little Fischer
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