Grover & Binks... and Drakus by Lazarus | World Anvil

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10th day of July 211 AWE

Grover & Binks... and Drakus

by Lazarus Yohan Bartholomew III

On a previous encounter with Master Fenfir, he provided a note to bring to them.
We arrived and found Grover cowering in fear to a Soldier of the Dark.
We exchanged words and a spell; We found out he was actually the leader of the Soldiers of the Dark and his name is Drakus.
He was imposing upon the master crafters to get them to do what he wanted for his army. Grover was bleeding from the eyes and Binks was cowering behind the crafting bench/counter.
He eventually left and we helped patch up Grover and calm Binks.
Passing the note from Fenfir Grover and Binks requested all of our armor so they could repair/upgrade it.
Much of the armor was in such poor shape, we didn't even know what type of armor it was.
What we thought was chain mail was actually splint mail, leather was studded leather, etc.
They will upgrade and return our armor, paid for by Master Fenfir.

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