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Luke Thomas

Neutral Good Human (Folk Hero)
Wizard 6
38 / 38 HP

Son of the local apothecary. Twin brother to Hayley. Smart except when it comes to women.

Played by
30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

Dealing with the fey

by Luke Thomas

Dear Diary,
Morning had dawned, casting its golden light upon Dogville. Naira, her energy boundless, was already cleaning the keep, her diligence a testament to her character. Dorr, his measuring tools in hand, was assessing its restoration.
We delved into the paperwork left by Nordic, our minds focused on the financial aspects of our new domain. After sifting through the documents, we discovered the annual tribute to the king – 4000 silver coins. However, this figure was based on the previous population count. With the expansion of the village and the arrival of the Ravensfielders, the tribute would likely increase. Another debate over taxes loomed, again without any clear decisions.
The day passed in a blur of activity. We visited the Rusty Crab for lunch, the aroma of seafood filling the air. The tavern was bustling, thanks to Aisa's culinary skills. So far with the samplings by us, and especially the ample portions that my sister has consumed, we have not noticed anything wrong with the food as Gideon indicated the day before.
As the afternoon wore on, most of the gang joined the Ravensfielders, lending a hand in their new home. I decided to take advantage of the quiet to organize the library, my mind still reeling from the recent events.
As I sorted through the books, I noticed my bag was open, three spell scrolls missing. A wave of panic washed over me. I cast a tracking spell, the magic swirling around me. The scrolls were nearby, hidden in a secret compartment under the floor in a nearby storage room.
The room had been untouched, its contents undisturbed. Dust covered everything, tiny humanoid tracks leading through the room. As I investigated, a loud bang echoed from the library. I rushed back, my heart pounding.
One of the shelves had been tipped over, books scattered across the floor. I quickly cleaned up the mess, my mind racing. I called for Hayley and Gael, hoping that I wasn’t going crazy or something.
After I explained the situation, Hayley started whispering incantations, her magic searching for any trace of the intruder. She eventually sensed a presence, a small, unseen creature.
We searched the entire floor, our eyes scanning every corner. Under Hayley's bed, we caught a glimpse of a small, shadowy form. We pulled back the blanket, our hearts pounding with anticipation.
The creature, revealed in the dim light, was a boggle, a small, timid fey creature known for its hoarding tendencies. It was no surprise that it had hidden my scrolls. But just as quick as we caught a glimpse, it dropped itself through the floor, disappearing once more from sight. The three of us rushed downstairs but found no sign of the creature. The only discovery was that one of my books was now missing.
With a sigh, I resigned myself to the loss. The search for the missing book would have to wait. I continued cleaning the library, my eyes scanning the shelves, but the boggle remained elusive.
When the others returned, we filled them in on a mysterious house guest. Dadroz was captivated by the idea of the small creature and ended up staking out in the library. His patience paid off as he witnessed the boggle emerging from a portal, a small gardening tool clutched in its tiny hands.
With a well-placed arrow, Dadroz knocked the boggle unconscious. We were awakened by the sound of the impact and the cries of victory from Dadroz. The boggle, its hands and feet bound, dangled from the roof, was quite a pitiful sight when we reached the library.
Hayley, her voice filled with curiosity, woke the boggle. Liliana and Gael, their knowledge of the Feywild extensive, began to communicate with the creature. The boggle quickly confessed to stealing the books under the intense investigatory pressure from the two. It explained its hoarding tendencies, its need to collect and possess. It also introduced itself as Pim.
Liliana and Gael proposed a solution. They suggested that we provide the boggle with a large chest, a place to store its treasures. This way the boggle could keep hoarding our items, but we would at least know where it would place our belongings. The boggle, its eyes lighting up, agreed. We further enticed the boggle into keeping an eye on the fort in exchange for feeding it food, which it also agreed to.
As we released the boggle, it vanished through a conjured portal. However, we knew it was still nearby, its presence a constant reminder of the hidden mysteries that lurked within our walls.
I pondered the possibility of the boggle becoming my familiar. Its intelligence and abilities could be a valuable asset. I made a mental note to purchase a scroll of Find Familiar, a spell that would bind the creature to my will (or ask my sister to make one for me).
As we woke up the next morning, Alistan complained of a restless night's sleep. We gathered in the common area, the aroma of breakfast filling the air.
Just as we were about to dig in, Pim, the boggle, appeared, his tiny form hovering above the table. He spoke in Sylvan, his voice a whisper in the morning stillness. Someone was at the door.
We went to open our gate of the keep, our curiosity piqued. Tharven Miller, the man tasked with restoring the mill, greeted us with a mixture of excitement and concern. He had discovered something strange beneath the structure, a hidden entrance concealed by overgrown shrubs.
We followed him into the mill, our shadows panning across the empty hills of Dogville in the early morning light. The entrance was small and led to a narrow tunnel. We ventured into the darkness with pounding hearts. The tunnel led to a hidden chamber, a magical circle surrounded by three menhirs. Offerings of food and flowers lay scattered around, evidence of recent activity.
As we examined the menhirs, the runes etched into their surface became familiar. They were the symbols of the Neverhold, the fey domain where King Ulther reigns.
Gael, with his extensive knowledge of primal magic, recognized the circle as a teleportation portal. It was a connection to the Neverhold itself and likely a gateway for the fey's agents.
We explored the chamber, our eyes scanning for clues. Tracks, both adult and child, crisscrossed the floor, evidence of frequent use. The small population of Dogville alone could barely account for this level of activity.
A chill ran down my spine. The Neverhold, the dark forces that had taunted us in the past and had spirited Liliana away. The presence of the fey had permeated even this secluded district. The implications were chilling and the danger imminent.
We sought information from the townspeople, starting with Darion Faric. Liliana, her curiosity piqued, explained our findings, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Darion denied any knowledge of the hidden chamber. However, when Liliana hinted at the possibility of removing the circle, his demeanor changed. He became defensive and his voice laced with urgency.
We continued our investigation, visiting Thomas Teller at the kennel. He too expressed ignorance of the hidden chamber, his response mirroring Darion's. However, he suggested that we leave the circle undisturbed and that it might be best to forget about it.
The mystery deepened, the puzzle pieces refusing to fall into place. We returned to the keep as we hoped that our new friend could shed some light on the situation. Pim, the boggle, appeared, his tiny form hovering above a cupboard. Gael inquired about the magical circle. Pim explained that the circle was a door, a passage to another realm. He mentioned that people offered sacrifices to those who guarded the area, their offerings a tribute for assistance.
As we sat in our kitchen, discussing our next steps, a knock sounded at the door. Thomas, Gideon, and Laine entered with their faces filled with anticipation. Laine placed a large pie on the table and its aroma soon filled the room. Before an eager Liliana could dig in, Hayley intervened, her magical senses tingling. She probed Thomas's mind, her magic revealing a hidden truth.
Long ago, the inhabitants of Dogville had made a deal with the fey, their services exchanged for assistance with the land. The pie was made from ingredients that had been grown as part of this deal. By eating the pie, the trio believed that we too would become part of the deal.
Hayley warned us sharply of the consequences. The others immediately backed away from the pie. The food, once fresh and inviting, began to decay, a stark reminder of the danger it posed. Laine, her eyes filled with sadness, admitted their plan and confessed to the entire story, with the belief that the deal was now broken. She apologized for her actions, her voice filled with regret.
Hayley assured her that we understood. The deal, made in a time of desperation, was no longer relevant. With the reinforcements from Ravensfield, we explained, Dogville would likely no longer be reliant on the fey.
As the trio left, we decided to have another go at investigating the cave, our curiosity piqued by the recent events. Upon reaching the cave, we found no changes. The magical circle, the remnants of the offerings, remained undisturbed. So we made the difficult decision to seal the cave. But we decided to wait a few days, to see if any reaction would come from the fey who had made the deal.
As the day wore on, Alistan purchased a puppy from Thomas, naming the adorable creature Lore. Meanwhile, I accompanied Gael to the city, our mission to gather supplies. While there, I convinced Hayley to write down a spell scroll for binding a familiar, similar to the one she used for Fiachna.
That evening, we camped out at the Neverhold gate. Our eyes remained focused on the magical circle. As midnight approached, the runes began to glow, a column of light erupting from the center. Three figures emerged from the portal and their forms bathed in an ethereal glow. A golden humanoid fey, flanked by two smaller creatures, stood before us.
Surprised by our presence, they bowed, their voices echoing through the night. Galadron, the leader of the group, introduced himself, his tone polite yet firm. Gael and Liliana, their voices filled with authority, informed him of our new status as rulers of Dogville. Galadron nodded, his expression unreadable. He revealed that he had been sent to investigate the broken deal with the farmers. Hayley, her voice steady, explained that the deal had been broken accidentally. She said our actions were unintentional and the villagers deserved no blame.
Galadron looked at us in suspicion and immediately insisted on a new deal. Hayley, her determination unwavering, demanded that we be included in the negotiations. Galadron, his pride evident, refused, his words filled with a sense of entitlement.
Gael and Liliana, sensing the danger, offered to negotiate directly with the fey. The rest of us refused as our distrust of the fey unwavering. Especially Alistan and I wanted nothing to do with any deals of the fey as we had both seen first hand the horrors that they could bring.
And so it was only Gael and Liliana that followed the fey to a clearing nearby, where the townsfolk would gather. We waited in the cave with anticipation and trepidation. Some time later, the two returned, their faces a mix of relief and determination. The deal had been remade and a new agreement forged between the fey and the people of Dogville.
Neither Gael nor Liliana could reveal the terms of the deal as the secrecy was a condition of the agreement. My frustration grew. My desire to confront the fey was overwhelming. I wanted nothing more than to lob a fireball in the midst of these outsiders who had once again pressed these poor villagers and our friends into their servitude. However, I recognized that the decision was not mine to make. We just had to put fate in our friends that they knew what they were getting themselves and the villagers into.
Galadron, the fey representative, announced that Quinn, the ruler of the area, would be at the old church under the light of a full moon. He suggested that we meet with them, a chance to establish a relationship, to negotiate terms that would benefit both sides.
We returned to the keep, our minds filled with the events of the night. The deal with the fey, while shrouded in mystery, offered much uncertainty.

Luke's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. A Festival of Foxes and Frolics
    30th of Dagda, Year 121, Era of the tree
  2. Elsa
    121 2 31
  3. Adventure Ahead!
    1st of Lug, Year 121 of the Tree
  4. Rosebloom's Bookworm
    4th of Lugh, Year 121 of the Tree
  5. What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership
    5th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  6. The most useful kind of magic
    6th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  7. A Betrayal of Satyrs
    7th of Lugh, 121 Year of the Tree
  8. Maladies of the Mist
    8-11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  9. The Hunter
    11th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  10. A Hidden Path to Logvale and Beyond
    12th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  11. A Master of Fire
    13th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  12. Too Many Goodbyes
    20th of Lug, 121 Year of the Tree
  13. Letter to Hayley I
    1st of Ogan, 122 Year of the Tree
  14. Letter to Hayley II
    3rd of Solstice, 122 Year of the Tree
  15. Letter to Hayley III
    24th of Edon, 123 Year of the Tree
  16. Letter to Hayley IV
    17th of Gobu, 124 Year of the Tree
  17. Letter to Hayley V
    7th of Daga, 125 Year of the Tree
  18. Letter to Hayley VI
    14th of Mannan, 125 Year of the Tree
  19. The Reunion
    14th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  20. The Emissaries of the Fenhunter
    15th of Mannan, 126 Year of the Tree
  21. The Fall of Cairn Fussil
    4th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  22. Festival Frenzy
    10th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  23. The Terror of Ravensfield
    13th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  24. Dragon Bones in the Dark
    15th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  25. The Determination of an Undead Kobold
    16th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  26. Battle at the Burning Village
    17th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  27. A Reminder to Take Action
    18th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  28. A Grand Ball of Intrigue
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  29. The Search for Norgar
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  30. Why you can never trust a bard
    20th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  31. A Royal Reward and a Challenge
    28th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  32. An apple a day...
    29th of Nuan, 126 Year of the Tree
  33. Dealing with the fey
    30th of Nuan, 126 Era of the Tree

The major events and journals in Luke's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 27: More than one court

12:35 am - 16.10.2024

Session 27: More than one court

06:05 pm - 15.10.2024

Dealing with the fey

Dear Diary, Morning had dawned, casting its golden light upon Dogville. Naira, her energy boundless, was already cleaning the keep, her diligence a testament to her character. Dorr, his measuring tools in hand, was assessing its restoration. We delv...

03:43 pm - 12.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

Session 26: Dealing with a deal

07:42 pm - 09.10.2024

An apple a day...

Dear Diary, The morning after the celebration at the palace, a messenger arrived with a letter from Nordic, the administrator. He invited us to visit the old keep in Dogville, our new territory. We set off, our journey taking us through the countrys...

04:23 pm - 07.10.2024

Session 25: Nobles and Knights

02:38 am - 02.10.2024

Session 25: Nobles and Knights

06:09 pm - 01.10.2024

A Royal Reward and a Challenge

Dear diary, After joining the Circle of the Briar Ring, Alistan and I tried to convince Gael to join us for a celebratory drink. Gael protested that he was too busy and had to focus on his new duties. Unfortunately, Gael's stress was evident. He stumbl...

06:19 pm - 30.09.2024

Session 24: Honor and Reward

02:16 pm - 24.09.2024

Session 24: Honor and Reward

02:16 pm - 24.09.2024

Why you can never trust a bard

Dear Diary, We entered the room, our hearts pounding with anticipation. Robert was seated on a rock, his expression a mix of resignation and defiance. He held up his hands, a gesture of peace. "You're here to find Norgar," he said, his voice calm. ...

09:25 am - 17.09.2024

Session 23: no longer an old friend

04:23 pm - 04.09.2024

Session 23: no longer an old friend

04:23 pm - 04.09.2024

The Search for Norgar

Dear Diary, As we continued our search for Norgar, Hayley dispatched Fiachna to keep watch for any suspicious activity. Meanwhile, I focused on the gem, using a tracking spell to pinpoint its location. The gem, once the elusive target of the dragon cul...

03:18 am - 03.09.2024

Session 22: Lost and found

09:01 pm - 27.08.2024

Session 22: Lost and found

06:01 pm - 27.08.2024

Session 21: The embassy

07:33 pm - 22.08.2024

Session 21: The embassy

07:33 pm - 22.08.2024

A Grand Ball of Intrigue

Dear Diary, We finally made it to Robert Talespinner's room, a mix of excitement and trepidation filling our hearts. The door creaked open, revealing a surprisingly tidy room. Robert's backpack was propped against the wall, a collection of dragon-theme...

03:00 pm - 22.08.2024

A Reminder to Take Action

Dear Diary, We have left the burning ruins of Ravensfield behind, a bittersweet goodbye to a village that had become our home, albeit briefly. The refugees were already a good distance ahead when we had escaped from our battle, a long line of weary tra...

04:55 pm - 12.08.2024

Session 20: Return to Keralon

03:07 am - 07.08.2024

Session 20: Return to Keralon

06:00 pm - 06.08.2024

Battle at the Burning Village

Dear Diary, We stood there, gaping at the mysterious figure hovering above us like a particularly dramatic cloud. The rider, clad in shimmering gold armor, stared down at us with a mix of arrogance and… well, let's call it "intense determination." ...

03:01 pm - 02.08.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

12:28 am - 24.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

12:28 am - 24.07.2024

Session 19: Ravensfield's last dawn

06:07 pm - 23.07.2024

The Determination of an Undead Kobold

Dear Diary, We emerged from the dusty depths of Hollowhill, with two prisoners in tow! We used our handy escape rope to climb out of that creepy hole. As we blinked in the sunlight, Reynis materialized from the nearby bushes – talk about perfect timi...

05:05 am - 20.07.2024

Session 18: Death comes to Ravensfield

10:17 pm - 17.07.2024

Session 18: Death comes to Ravensfield

10:17 pm - 17.07.2024

Session 17: secrets of Hollow Hill

10:37 pm - 12.07.2024

Session 17: secrets of Hollow Hill

10:37 pm - 12.07.2024

Dragon Bones in the Dark

The morning sun greeted us with a gentle warmth, casting a hopeful light on our situation. Reynis, thankfully, had remained human during what was left of the night, his monstrous alter ego seemingly taking a well-deserved nap. With renewed purpose, we...

06:51 am - 04.07.2024

Session 16: The Ravensfield Mystery

10:17 pm - 24.06.2024

Session 16: The Ravensfield Mystery

10:17 pm - 24.06.2024

The Terror of Ravensfield

Well, the dust has settled after the whole "festival fiasco". Time to pack up our slightly singed robes and head north to Ravensfield, Hayley's stomping ground as the resident village witch. Apparently, strange happenings are afoot – missing items and a...

12:41 pm - 23.06.2024

The Terror of Ravensfield

Well, the dust has settled after the whole "festival fiasco". Time to pack up our slightly singed robes and head north to Ravensfield, Hayley's stomping ground as the resident village witch. Apparently, strange happenings are afoot – missing items and a...

12:38 pm - 23.06.2024

Festival Frenzy

Dear Diary, Cairn Fussil. Gone. Reduced to smoldering rubble in a single, fiery night. Not exactly the morale booster a budding mage needs, but hey, such is the life of an adventurer, right? (Though a life with slightly less near-death experiences wou...

06:35 am - 14.06.2024

Session 15: the Joyous Entry

08:54 pm - 11.06.2024

Session 15: the Joyous Entry

06:16 pm - 11.06.2024

The Fall of Cairn Fussil

Dear Diary, Seems like fate has a cruel sense of humor. Here I am again, without a roof over my head. The events of the last few days have left me feeling strangely adrift, like a ship tossed about in a stormy sea. Two days ago, we had spent the ev...

04:03 pm - 31.05.2024

Session 14: Dying Flames

08:09 pm - 28.05.2024

Session 14: Dying Flames

04:59 pm - 28.05.2024

The Emissaries of the Fenhunter

The sun beat down mercilessly as Ragnar led us out of the tent, a growing throng of draconoids gathering around the makeshift arena that served as the battleground. Nervous anticipation crackled in the air, the weight of the challenge pressing down on us...

05:58 am - 23.05.2024

Session 13: Opposing scales

01:37 am - 22.05.2024

Session 13: Opposing scales

04:55 pm - 21.05.2024

The Reunion

Well, this old diary. Seems like a lifetime ago I was scribbling down my teenage angst and adventures in this dusty tome. Five years, that's how long it's been gathering cobwebs in the corner of my room at Cairn Fussil. Funny how time flies when you're...

05:53 am - 16.05.2024

Session 12: Has it been that long?

07:45 pm - 15.05.2024

Letter to Hayley VI

Dear Sister, As promised, a letter to let you know that I have arrived back safely at Cairn Fussil. Luckily Amarra was present when I arrived, and I was able to tell her immediately that I was going to pick up my apprenticeship again. She didn’t ...

06:34 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Hayley V

Dear sister, I have gotten in over my head and I need your help. I am in need of some kind of banishment ritual. I don’t suppose you have a collection of spell scrolls in your tiny village? It all started when I promised a poor farmer to find his ...

06:33 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Hayley IV

My dearest sister, It is over between me and Lyra. I suppose I’ll need to find some kind of cleric to disband the marriage. A cleric of Spade seems appropriate somehow. I’m sure you can guess how it all went wrong. But there were some things tha...

06:33 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Hayley III

Dearest Sister, I hope you and your goats are well, it has been quite a while since we heard from each other. I have big news, I have gotten married to a wonderful girl called Lyra. I am sure that you will love her as much as I do. Don’t worry,...

06:32 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Hayley II

Dearest Sister, I don’t know what you’ve heard, as I am sure the news has spread across the city, but I wasn’t responsible for Darius’ death. It also shouldn’t be a surprise that my engagement with Emily is over and I am going to need to leav...

06:30 am - 15.05.2024

Letter to Hayley I

Dearest Sister, I am sorry I haven’t been in touch lately. Although we are both living in Keralon (well, I guess I live a bit outside of it), the sheer size of this metropolis makes spontaneous visits almost impossible. I suppose I should start w...

06:29 am - 15.05.2024

Session 12: Has it been that long?

05:28 pm - 14.05.2024

Too Many Goodbyes

Dear Diary, Another night approached, leaving us sprawled across the rough benches of the Southroad Tavern's common room. The exorbitant price of our rooms still stung (seriously, sixteen gold for a room that smelled faintly like mildew? Highway robber...

04:00 pm - 08.05.2024

Session 11: Keralon, Finally?

07:47 pm - 07.05.2024

Session 11: Keralon, Finally?

05:02 pm - 07.05.2024

A Master of Fire

Dear Diary, We lingered in the valley with the Menhirs and the shimmering portal, the frozen lake reflecting the setting sun like a shattered mirror. The others had scurried off to retrieve our belongings, leaving me, Liliana, and Vivienne in an uneas...

05:46 am - 03.05.2024

Session 10: Keralon, finally?

08:54 pm - 30.04.2024

Session 10: Keralon, finally?

04:58 pm - 30.04.2024

A Hidden Path to Logvale and Beyond

Dear Diary, We pressed onward, the lumbering cart carrying us towards a destination that seemed to recede with every creaking wheel. Hope, once a flickering flame, had dwindled to a faint ember within us. Our last encounter in the Lorewood clearing w...

07:27 pm - 25.04.2024

Session 9: Wooden walls and slippery slopes

09:46 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 9: Wooden walls and slippery slopes

04:30 pm - 23.04.2024

Session 8: Bloody mist

08:05 pm - 02.04.2024

Session 8: Bloody mist

04:56 pm - 02.04.2024

Session 7: On to Logvale

03:42 pm - 30.03.2024

Session 7: On to Logvale

06:03 pm - 26.03.2024

Session 6: Satyr Unrest

10:19 pm - 19.03.2024

Session 6: Satyr Unrest

05:59 pm - 19.03.2024

Session 5: Troubles with tears

09:29 pm - 05.03.2024

Session 5: Troubles with tears

05:47 pm - 05.03.2024

What to do when your hostess has a Secret Society Membership

Diary, buckle up because today was a whirlwind! We're finally rolling into Hillsfield, but let me tell you, the journey there was anything but smooth. Remember that epic snow wolf fight? Yeah, we're all still feeling the aches and pains, but hey, at least...

04:49 pm - 28.02.2024

Session 4: Troubles with tears

08:56 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 4: Troubles with tears

05:56 pm - 27.02.2024

Session 3: Going West

09:29 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 3: Going West

09:29 pm - 20.02.2024

Session 2: The Bramble trial

09:09 pm - 13.02.2024

Session 2: The Bramble trial

09:09 pm - 13.02.2024

A Festival of Foxes and Frolics

Dear Diary, Today was the day we all gathered at Coldperch Inn for the big Lightwatch Festival. Alistan, Liliana, and Ileas were already there at the crack of dawn, which seemed a bit too early for me. I read that a wizard is always on time, never too ...

07:07 pm - 07.02.2024

Excited about the Going Away Feast in Tarn!

06:29 pm - 06.02.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Luke.

Played by