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Wed 17th Feb 2021 10:15

The meeting

by Khadyr Sabah

After a difficult mission we, that is Armand and me, arrived at Djachroum. Eager to get of the ship that had been our home for the last few months, we walked from the spaceport to the dockingstation. Armand was already looking on the map to see is he can find a tavern to get a drink. Jezebel followed me as usual, looking like the queen of Sheba :).
But before we could leave the dockingstation, one of the harbor masters, a real Nazi, stopped us. We had to register en pay 25 Birr each for our registration. Just as he was about to let us pass, Jezebel decided she didn't want to be ignored. The nazi, allergic to cats, almost got a fit. "Whats that" he shouted. "You can't just let that beast run loose here. Take her back at ones." After a long discussion, we finally got to take Jezebel with us, but we had to put her in a small cage, I had to rent for 5 Birr.
While we were talking to the Nazi, a line was forming behind us and we could hear some commotion. There was fierce discussion going on between an other harbor master and a small man on wellies and in a baby sael fur coat. Glad we could finally walk on, we didn't pay any futher attention to the commotion. I put Jezebel, who didn't agree with her temporary confinement ofcourse, in the small cage and we walked off to Djachroum.
Armand wanted a drink, and to be honest I could use one too. We made our way through the slums of Djachroum. Jezebel still disagreeing loudly in her cage. We stopped at Jana's Tavern. Armand orders a Wodka and Iwent for a cafe Marakesh from the lady behind the bar. We talked about finding a new mission.
While we were enjoying our drinks, suddenly the man in the baby seal fur coat walked in the tavern, his hands filled with all kinds of things he bought at the market. He also ordered a drink. Not long after that, a man called Rahim Gulda entered te Tavern looking for the man in the fur coat and his willies (sorry his Wellies hahaha). We found out that this man was called Shamus Loaded and that he had a big problem. His spaceship was smoking the hell out of the spaceport dock. His ship needed to be repaired immediatly. Armand, the good soul, offered to help. As a thank you we bouth got our 25 Birr registration fee back.
Quickly finishing our drinks, we walked with Shamus, Rahim an some men from the purple guard to the smoking spaceship. One way or the other Shamus pulled it of that the men from the purple guard carried all his packeges on to the ship. Armand tried to find out what the problem was. He found some strange things, like some dentures, that might have caused the problem. Armand fixed the smokingproblem, but the ship was a flying disaster, according to Armand. Big repairs were needed, for wich he didn't have the money. Shamus couldn't fly this ship without a backup plan. But that was his problem.
Making our way back to the Tavern, we passed a mission terminal with on it a notification of a promissing mission. We looked at each other in agreement. This was our ticket to independence. All we needed was a spaceship. We heard Shamus behind us still grouching over his broken no good ship. And than a plan formed. We walked up to him and made him an offer he could not refuse. We were going to do the mission in his space ship. Armand could make sure that the ship kept flying and with his share of the profits Shamus could repair his ship. Win - win. Shamus agreed. So now we had our selfs a ship en we could set out to go on our very first independent mission.
We all boarded the space ship, off to our new adventure. Jezebel, happy to be out of her cage, walked around the space ship as if she owned the place. Purring contently with her new home.