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Sat 2nd Apr 2022 01:45

Where is Armand?

by Khadyr Sabah

After a restless night I woke up, Jezebel still sleeping at my feet. I did my chai chi exercises to clear my head and stretch my body. Then I made my way to the ship. We agreed to meet up there. Shamus was enjoying his pancakes and coffee when I arrived. We waited for Armand but he didn't come. This was nothing like him. I tried his communicator, but no reaction. After some time we decided to go back to the hotel.

At the hotel we found out that Armand had checked in. His personal things were still in his room, but the bed wasn't slept in. The only thing we could think of was that he went out to get something to drink. Our first choice was to go to Jana's cantina. The bartender hadn't seen him but he pointed out a man hanging at the bar who had been there all night. Maybe he had seen Armand. After offering him a cappucino he told us that he did see Armand, but he left with some friend. This friend , a dark shortisch kind of guy, paid for all the drinks. Allthough Armand could hold his liquor, he looked completely waisted when he left with his friend.

We became more and more worried. This wasn't Armand to just disappear from the face of the earth. Maybe our 'friend' Sayat the harbormaster, could tell us more. He said he did see Arman with some one passing him but he didn't want to tell us where he went. We decided to take a chance at the terminal, but before Shamus could login, we needed to distract the three other harbormasters who were standing near the terminal. While trying to come up with a plan to distract them, Ahamus all of a sudden hit me on the nose with a small club. Jesus.... that hurt. My nose was bleeding heavily. Shamus shouted: "Help, help my friend. Someone hit her. I think her nose is broken." The three men came to my aid, trying to stop the bleeding. Shamus then rushed to the terminal. He found out that Armand had boarded a spaceship called Jalinta. The spaceship was owned by no one other then Jihan ...... I tried to contact Jihan, and asked him where he was, but there was no reply . The log said that the Jalinta had taken of to Surha, with Armand on board.

What the fuck was happening here. Armand wouldn't just leave us to take of to Surha. We considered our options, and there was really only one. We had to go after the Jalinta. We went to our ship and plotted a course to Surha. Shamus made us coffee and crackers and we were on our way.....