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Wed 29th Jun 2022 11:07

On our way to Dhaab

by Khadyr Sabah

A new mission. Hopefully it will result in us getting enough Birr to repair the Black Moth and getting Jezebel! Just to be sure and prepaired we took our two ancient thermal machine guns, our lantarn, Armands Tabula and Shamus cigarettes.
After the Mantella had set of to Surha, there was a briefing. Aya, whom we met before, was also present. And as we found out also mambers of the Zeluba Brigade (mercenaries). We first learned that it would be a bumpy ride to Surha because there was a hurricane blowing at the surface. Secondly we where told that is was a IO-NQA-DSC mission. In other words In and out, no questions asked and sultans at the cantina! Our target was the station Dhaab on Surha. Dhaab was presently used by a gang of smuggler's called the Red Hyenas. A few of them would leave Dhaab for a couple of day's, but there still would be Red Hyena's present at the station. We would enter the station in 2 different teams.
Team 1 was called: Scorpion. Comprising Raquell (leader) and the members of te Zeluba Brigade
Team 2 was called: Frog (I wonder who came up with that name). Comprising besides us three, Captaim Wada, Dr. Jussuf Farra, who had a map and security codes, and Anjil, a combat engineer . For some strange reason they thought I had the most fighting experience so the made me the leader of Frog. Team Scorpion would create a diversion so we, the frogs, could make our way to the controlroom. Dr. Farra was having the necessary maps and tags/codes to unlock the doors.
We were provided with survival masks and suits because the temperature on Surha could drop to minus 80 degrees and the gravity on the planet was 2. And to make things worse there was a blizzard ravaging the very the planet at the very place we were about to land. The landing was very bumpy because of the blowing blizzard. Being used to Shamus his landings, we were not that worried. Armand however thought it wise to pray to the deckhand, just in case.
We entered Dhaab 1 and Dr. Farra led us through the tunnels. At some point Anjil took a different turn so he could to disable the power and meet u with us later. While we were walking through tthe tunnels we heard shooting. It seemed that team Scorpion ran into some Red Hyena's. As we approached the stairwell, there were two soldiers guarding it. We took advantage of a moment when they were destracted by the gunshots to sneak past them.
When we came to the control station we heard voices. We peeked through a small opening of the door and saw three people talking to each other. Having the element of surprise we overpowered them. One of them was Moses Umbara, the headman of the Red Hyena's. We didn't really know what to do with them, so we locked them up in the relax room. Armand remained at the door to make sure the wouldn't escape. Dr. Farra immediately started working on the computer system, while Shamus and I checked the other rooms. Dr Farra was able to to establish communications with Team Scorpion. The ran into some heavy fighting, but were able to overpower the Red Hyena's. Those who weren't killed they locked up so the would bother us anymore. Just when I was thinking the worsted was over, there was a flash of light and a fire broke out in the control room. Armand and Anjil tried to repair the system and the generator but without succes. We managed to put out the fire but the system was down and so was the power. The only way to fix things was to go to Dhaab 2. There was the mainframe that controlled everything. We decided to take Moses Umbara with us.
Why did I have a feeling that this was just the beginning of what was to come!