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Sun 25th Apr 2021 07:55

The story continues

by Khadyr Sabah

There we were, in the Biodome jungle. Still seperated from Armand. Shamus, although very proud of his enormous jump, was anxiously looking around, while frantically rubbing the Lady of Tears in his hands. Suddenly the Talisman began to glow and vibrate. Shamus pushed on the Talisman to stop it from glowing an vibrating. Well, the glowing stopped alright, but instead the Talisman began to transmit a holograpgic videomessage. Before us we saw four people at some kind of inauguration in a stadium. Jihan cried out: "Look that's my father". Next to him stood a very beautiful woman. Before we could really make out what we were looking at, the holovideo stopped. Jihan was very upset and cried out: "Father". Suddely I heard gunshots! Oh my god, we weren't alone at the station. No time to loose. We had to find Armand.
Luckely Armand wasn't very far away. But ... he wasn't alone. He was talking to a very beautiful woman, called Wahina. It was the same woman we saw in the holovideo standing next to Jihan's father. She seemed to take a liking to Armand :( She told us a most incredible story of what had taken place at Station SS-18. It was Wahina who made all those strange creatures and the little children, she called the Charab. The Charab were her eyes and ears. That's how she knew we could be trusted and weren't out to kill anyone. She also created the Kobu, her soldiers, moving around like shadows. The Charab told Wahina that there are others at the station, with no good intentions. Then I remembered the gunshots. Where did we get ourselfs into, I thought. We had to get out of here as soon as possible.
In answer to our question if Wahina could get us out of the Biodome, she took us to one of the service units that lie beneath it. Entering the service unit we saw an enormous creature that seemed to be completely one with her surroundings. When we stepped a bit closer we saw a face in the enormous pile of skinlike tissue. Shamus, peeped from behind Armand's back, said: "But, that's the face of Wahina". The creature smiled. "You are right little one. I'm the real Wahina. The Wahina you met is a clone of my DNA". We moved futher into the room and noticed there were also three Kobu present. The kobu, who were untill then only vague shadows to us, turned out to be real fearsom creatures.
Wahina, the real one, told us that she always had been obsessed with life in all it's form. And when she got a chance to work as doctoral student with the famous bionic engineer Ferida Kaar, who was responsible for the operation of the biodome of SS-18, she took it. Once on the station, Wahina realized the full potential of the station she began to experiment with completely new research in the lab. The other scientist however didn't agree. Because she knew her research was very important and could be a huge gift to humanity, she saw no other possibility than to kill the entire crew. Her face was griefstricken and I could see tears in her eyes when she told us what she had done to the crew. We had to hold Jihan back, while he cried out: "Murderer, you killed my father". Wahina spoke remorsefull when she said: "I know, and I'm sorry. But there was no other way. The would have destroyed my work. If it is any consolation to you, his genetic codes still lives on." Because of wahina's actions, the Legion ordered to destroy the station, but they failed. After that Wahina continued her work, using the Khayaala’s Gardens as her big inspiration for the gift she was working on. While she was telling us her story she sometime closed her eyes ad if she was going back to her memories.

Suddenly it looked like Wahina woke up into reality. She begged us to help her from the treath that was now present at the station. The Charab foun out that a Task Force of the Legion had entered the station in order to destroy it by planting a nuclear bomb at the recreation area. The Kobu she send out to protect the station weren't able to fight them of. Armand and I looked at eachother. Our first thought was to save ourselfs, because there was no way we would survive if the Task Force accomplished their objective. We had a common goal and that was to neutralize the soldiers and disarm the bomb. So we agreed to help Wahina, because by doing so, we would also save ourselfs.

Wahina gave us the keycode to the armory where we found a working weapon with ammunition. The Kobu, Wahina send with us, led us quickly to te recreation area. Even Shamus knew the situation was serious and he no longer looked scared but determined to make it out alive. Bcause the door was blocked, we crawled through the air shaft. We sneaked up on the Task Force who were holding up at the Zero-G Gym.

The Kobu, who Wahina send to stop the Task Force, were pinned down in one of the hallway's because of a defensive perimeter that had been established by the Task Force with a Dayal gun turret and some mines. We were just in time to see that one of the blasting technician placed a thermonuclear mine in the whirlpool alcove and an other one placed smaller bomb to make an explosive exit through the floor.
We saw no other way then to fight. First we had to nutralize the two soldiers nearest to the Dayal Gun, so the Kobu could get through to help us. We had the advantage of a sneak attack, but the Task Force was very strong. I was hit serveral times, and barely made it. After two attempts Armand and Shamus were able to disarme the nuclear bomb. Unfortunately the other device exploded, giving the Task Force an escape route. The Kobu quickly followed the running soldiers. Still trembling on our feet, we followed. Relieved that the eminent threat was gone, we realised that the fight wasn't over. We had to follow those soldiers in order to prevent them from doing futher harm to the ship, to Wahina or to us.