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Sun 25th Apr 2021 08:04

The end of a new beginning

by Khadyr Sabah

Although we made it just barely, and two of the soldiers escaped, we managed to safe the station and ourselfs from being obliterated. We decided to go back to Wahina to tell her that the bomb was disarmed and that she was safe also.
We made our way back to the service units, to find out that Wahina had moved to the lab. How she got her enormous body into the lab, still ceases to amaze me. She was franticly moving her tantecles around like she had no time to spare. When she saw us walk into the lab she was very greatfull that we helped her, but she looked in a hurry. "I have no time to wast": she said. " I finished my work here, so it's time for me to go. The mini-portals are ready to be used. You will not see me again. But I'm leaving a gift. A gift that made me sacrifice the lives of some, but will safe the lives of many."
We said our goodbyes and walked back to the recreation area. Wahina warned us that there was reinforcement on the way, so we also had to leave as soon as possible. We were hoping to find the ship we were looking for, so we could take it to Djachroum in order to claim the full reward. Passing the Zero G gym, we took some weapons from the dead soldiers, because they had no use for them anymore. We noticed a bloody trail leading to the dockingstation. At the docking station we saw the ship we were looking for. Bus we also saw a Kobu finishing of one of the two escaping soldier. The other soldier, who was named Jina Aud Massar we found out later, we saw running towards the ship. There was no way we could stop him. He jumped on board, started the ship and flew of, leaving us empty handed.
Disappointed we walked back. The only way to make it of the station now was the same way we came, with Shamus's ship. Walking towards te elevator, we bumped into the beautiful Wahina. She barely looked at us and walked straight to Armand. "I want to thank you so very much for what you did. You safed us. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye." she said . Then she gave him a long hug. Pressing her body thightly to Armand. Then she turned around and walked away, leaving Armand a little bit flushed.
We reached our ship without further delay. Shamus directly went to the bridge and Armand to the engine room. I first had to see if Jezebel was alright. I found her sleeping in one of Shamus's boots. After giving her a cuddle, I also went to the bridge. After Armand gave us the go, we took of. But with a pilot like Shamus, taking of is always a bumpy ride.
Being clear from the station we saw a big destroyer from the Legion coming our way. We had to get out of here fast. I urged Shamus to put his foot on the gas. Suddenly Jihan cried out: "Guy's you have to come and see this". Looking through the window, we saw an incredible sight. The biodom was lightning up and turning. Suddenly it detached from the station. Leaflike things were surrounding the biodome, creating some sort of sail. With a flash of light the biodome then disappeared into the astroid belt. Then we saw pods flooting out of station, also making there way to the astroid belt. Could this be Wahina's gift? We didn't have time to thing about it, because the Destroyer was closing in fast.
While leaving behind the station and hopefully the Destroyer, we passed some astroids an saw that on some of them a pod had attached itself and started rooting. Those astroids were like glowing bulbs. Leaving the astroid belt, we noticed that the Destroyer wasn't following us. We were in the clear. Because everyone was very tiered, I decided that we all could do with some sleep. I took the first watch and Armand the second. During my watch I was contemplating about everything we had been through, all the things we had seen, people and creatures we had encountered, and how close to death we had been. While softly stroking Jezebel, who found her way onto my lap, I prayed to the traveler.
After docking at Djachroum, Jihan diceded to leave us. He was planning on taking up his studies at Dabaran. Armand cashed the 10.000 Birr for us and we treated ourself to a drink. Maybe the ending of this adventure was the beginning of a new one.