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Fri 22nd Apr 2022 12:01


by Khadyr Sabah

We arrived at the mining station where Niya guided us trough the gate. There we met assistent warden Voller. A very unpleasant man. He told Niya there was an incident with an elevator and a man called Paul Hindin was seriously hurt. She quickly went to look after the man, but there was nothing she could do for him anymore. He died right there and then. We didn't have time We find out that the miningstation had a lot of trouble wirg its computer. Causing all kind of systemfailures. This was probably also one of the reasons the elevator came down.
Although I hate to admit it, but Shamus does know something about computers. We suggested that he would take a look at it. In the meentime hoping we could also find out more how to free Armand. We had to have permission from Warden Grice because the computer was on an other level and only auterized personal had acces. I managed to persuade him with my natural charme but we where escorted by two unfriendly guards.
We, that is Shamus, Niya an myself, went to the computer room. When we walked in we were shocked to see the man who stood near the computer. It was Massar. The only one who wasn't surprised was Niya. She walked up to him and he thanked her for bringing us to him. We looked shocked at Niya. "I'm sorry" she said with pain in her voice. "But he has my little brother, and promised to free him if I would bring you to him". We couldn't believe she betrayed us. Suddenly Massar turned to her. With a cruel smile on his lips he said, " Well girl, you served your purpose, we don't need you anymore". Then with one slash of his sword he cut her throat and she fell dead on the ground.
We didn't have time to think about what we just saw, because Massar ordered the guards to lock us up. The threw us into jail. So instead of freeing Armand, we were now captured ourselves.