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Sun 25th Jul 2021 05:32

The First Adventure (Bad Memory)

by Pothos Pirate

Pothos' 18th Birthday came and went and she was still at the monastery. Now that she was an adult she could leave whenever she wanted to, but she was just waiting for the right moment... right? But day after day she began to realize the right moment might never come, and she will spend her days at the monetary doing the same chores from when she was a child until she became bored enough to become a nun.
On a trip to town to pick up food for the monetary, she saw her opportunity. The kingdom was looking for sailors to join their navy and she could see herself, like a pirate on the see becoming a famous war hero or general. The recruiters did not take her so seriously, there wasn't room for women fighters in this navy but they would take her as a nurse or for the galley. It was not ideal, but at least she would get on a boat.
When she joined up they gave her instructions to travel with other recruits in a week time to the closest port town to Emond's Field, Illian. Here she was to report to the docks where she could get an assignment.
A week passed and she met with the caravan that was travelling to Illian, only one other woman was making the journey, Egwene al'Vere the daughter of the innkeepers. Pothos had known her from town although never spoke with her long enough to become friends. Besides Egwane 7 other men from Emaonds field were going, she did not recognize any of them, but she thought she heard one be called Verick. With them was the recruiters from town and a cart with provisions pulled by a horse.
The journey was supposed to take 3 days, but the roads were hard and there was rain which slowed them down. There wasn't enough food and the group was hungry and foraging for extra food. They were not the only hungry travellers on the road, on the 3rd day the group were attacked by bandits and. the horse was spooked and got away. One of the boys were killed as well, they were called Matt. A sombre air settled over the group for the rest of the journey and they didn't talk much before arriving in Illian.
Upon arriving in Illian Pothos was assigned to The Atlas, it was a carrack with six sails, a bowsprit, foresail, mizzen, spritsail and two topsails. It was magnificent. There was a crew of about 100 including sailors, soldiers, and the three nurses which included Pothos. Pothos lived on the boat with the two other nurses in a small cabin with not much space to keep personal effects, that was okay all of the Pothos' possession fit in the one pack she brought with her. Mostly clothing it also included a mug which was a gift from the monetary when she left, the books she had had since she was a child, and an eyepatch she made shortly after the visit from the gleeman. The other Nurses were named Rose from Illiad and had studied medicine with their mother. She decided to join up with the promise of a good income for her family which they needed. Rose's father was a blacksmith who had been injured and was unable to work and they were suffering. At home, there was a younger brother and sister, and an older brother who already deployed as ground troops. The other woman was nd an older more experienced nurse named Mary, who was rough and kept to herself.
After a week of very basic medical training from Mary which much of the Pothos already knew from helping around the monastery, the ship deployed, to fight a war in the east against a vague threat that Pothos did not understand. But tragedy was to strike sooner. After only 2 weeks of sailing, there was a very bad storm that caused the ship the pitch and creaks in very worrying ways. Pothos was learning she might not be cut out for the pirate life anyways...
The storm made it near impossible to sleep so pothos lay awake in her bed lamenting how this was supposed to be her grand adventure, and so far there had only been failures, and tragedies, and boats that made her uncomfortable. Suddenly there was a great crash on deck and a whole lot of commotion. This woke Mary and Rose who seemed to have been sleeping better through this storm. Mary urged the girls to get upstairs just in case there were injured men. Pothos and Rose rushed on deck with coats thrown over their pyjamas and first aid kits in hand to see that there was a lot of injured men, but they may not be much help.
Giant tentacles were rising from the ocean hitting the boat, and when lightning struck a giant thing could be seen silhouetted giant in the sky. A loud crack sounded behind them as the mast began to fall, Pothos pushed a cowering Rose back towards the stairs down as the mast crashed into the deck. The monster was not relenting and soon it was clear the ship was taking on water. The Atlas pitched violently as it took on water knocking pothos and Rose to the deck. There were not many choices. It was either stay on the ship and risk sinking, try to make it to a lifeboat and risk the stormy seas and a monster, or give up and hope for a painless death. Pothos was afraid, she did not want to die, so she chooses a lifeboat. Trying to drag Rose with her she made her way to the nearest lifeboat still intact. It was not difficult to get in, other sailers allowed the woman on first and soon the boat was dropped into the water, this was not a much better situation the be in. Some of the men tried to row but it was no use, the waves were too strong. The waves were too big too and the lifeboat was flipped, leaving the passengers at the mercy of the ocean. It was hard to swim and Pothos was struggling to stay above water, she found a floating piece of wood which made it easier, but the ocean was relentless. All Pothos' strength was being used to cling to the board, she was scared, there was no hope. The last thing pothos remembers was being hit on the head and then nothing.
When she came to who knows where, who knows when the ocean was calmer and mostly empty besides herself and some other bits of debris. In the distance, there was land though, but pothos did not have the strength to swim there, she could only follow the ocean. Eventually, Pothos washes ashore and sleeps outside. The next day she walks and finds a town where she is able to get food and medical help. Once she is better she decided to wonder for a while, maybe a big adventure could wait some time...