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Sun 25th Jul 2021 01:07

When the Gleeman came to town (Best Memory)

by Pothos Pirate

The orphanage/monastery where pothos lived was just a little while from a town called Emond's Field. Often pothos was sent to the town to retrieve food and other supplies needed for repairs and such. This was one of the better chores, it gave her a chance to be alone and maybe sneak off to the bakery for a treat when she found herself with a spare coin from the shopping.

While arriving in Emond's Field for supplies one unremarkable autumn day, a man with greying hair and a mischievous smile rode into town. He was wearing a cloak made of a dizzying array of patches filled with more colours than the autumn landscape that surrounded him. This had to be a gleeman. Gleemen travelled telling stories and performing tricks for pay, or even just a room and a meal if they were simply passing through and low on coin. The gleeman made his way to the only inn in the small town run by the al'Vere family, and by the time pothos was done with her errands, the talk of the Thom Merrilin the gleeman had spread through the town, along with rumours that he would be performing just one night at the inn before moving on in the morning.

Pothos decided she would see his performance tonight no matter what. She ran all the way back to the orphanage and rushed through the rest of her responsibilities. That night she feigned illness to get out of dinner and evening prayers and snuck out in the cold autumn night. It was dangerous to travel the road to town in the dark, and pothos was scared, but she did not want to turn back, opportunities like this did not come around very often.

Pothos arrived at the inn partway through the performance and was able to easily slip in the door of the lively inn and disappear into the crowd. The gleeman was in the middle of telling a story of the Pirate Bastion who sailed the seas with the fastest ship around, but who had no crew. It was said his ship was manned by dead sailors who were cursed and thrown overboard by Bastion himself to create a perfect unholy crew...

The performance lasted late into the night, the crowd cheering and asking for one more story, or one more trick and the gleeman obliged. Only when the dawn began to peek over the horizon did the inn empty out and pothos had to run all the way back home to do her morning chores and prayers before anyone discovered her missing.

This gleeman is what inspired her to perform in exchange for food and a room at an inn. One day pothos dreams of having a colourful cloak like the gleeman's, but only when she feels she has collected enough stories to earn it.