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Mon 28th Mar 2022 08:44


by Pothos Pirate

Pothos madness time
I am filling out paperwork for joining the military, then getting a physical test
we are waiting in line and it feels like there is water in my lungs.
at the front of the queue is a woman who looks like me,
I do not pass the test for healing... and suggest I do charity
I was sent away to leave
People's faces are disappearing
we are in Eamon's field and it was a church hall
Ander Rules
1. Don't punch a man in a dress
2. don't be friends with creatures with lots of teeth (the guide)
3. don't bite sharks. DONT bite sharks
I slip inside a tavern to watch the gleeman from my childhood perform
The story is about a pirate who killed his crew in order to sail forever
Talking to rose, we are in a cabin
mATT IS KILLED BY a bandit
Back with Adrain
when i got trekar
Back at the medical exminers
the training dummy turns into a young blond woman (bonnie?)''
MEET kira and gudar
The destruction of the ship
Ander in the hold person woods
Back at the physical test, i punch ander ooop