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Sun 5th Sep 2021 09:12

The Greatest Regret

by Pothos Pirate

Falkirk is a small town situated in a valley with lots of mountains on either side. Many of the men living there work in a mine close by, with one family running a successful farm. Like most towns, there was a tavern, and so when Pothos found herself travelling through Falkirk she found herself performing at The Come on Inn and Tavern. The innkeeper Gudar and his wife Kira were very kind and were impressed by Pothos' performance, so they extended an invite for her to stay and perform again for the same room and hot meal. This became a routine and pothos passed almost two weeks at The Come On Inn and Tavern, eventually, she began helping Kira with running the Inn, spending time chatting about where Pothos wants to Travel and how Kira wants to have a house and a Family one day soon.
Everything was not so happy in the valley, winter was coming and food was being stored for the colder months when the local farmers would not be able to provide enough for the whole village. Falkirk was not the only ones preparing for winter, a group of goblins and bugbears began amassing on the other side of the valley, setting up a ramshackle camp. The village people began to worry that they might try and raise the village for food to sustain themselves through the winter. A guard formed of some of the braver miners, wielding pickaxes and hammers, they would patrol at night keeping an eye on the lingering threat. The town was not in a jovial mood, fewer people were drinking in the tavern each night, although those who came were comforted by the tales of adventure Pothos still told. She was careful to choose ones with much less confrontation than normal, and with happier endings to lighten the mood.
After almost three restless nights in Falkirk Pothos declared it was time for her to move on, she was ill-prepared for winter and needed to make it into a city to get proper clothing and supplies if she was to continue to travel. Kira and Gudar insisted she could stay through the whole winter and continue performing for the tavern, she would have her own room, and there was plenty of hot food to be had. And besides an adventurer like her would be useful to have with the threat of attach from the goblins.
They thought she was a strong adventurer, that she could protect them? No she was a performer, she told STORIES of adventure, she was not prepared to actually defend anyone, she had never even faced a kobold, let alone hungry goblins. She needed to leave, and before the chance of an attack. She needed to leave tonight.
Telling her new friends of her departure was too hard, so she decided to leave a note and just go. Pothos gathered her meagre possessions and slipped out into the night intending to return one day when she was an actual adventurer, with plenty of stories to tell Kira's family.
Travelling at night was dangerous, but the path was well marked and did not go through a forest, so it should be okay for tonight.
After almost an hour of walking there was noises, no screams! Coming from Falkirk. Pothos couldn't just leave, maybe she could help, maybe she could help get people out, she could heal people! She needed to run.
When she arrived in Falkirk again it was chaos, there were broken windows and doors left open to see the overturned contents of the houses. There were people too, all running away clutching their children and whatever personal items they could carry. There was a large fire in the centre of the town, it was the inn.... Pothos needed to see if Kira and Gudrun were okay, she needed to make sure they got out alive. If the fire spread to the cellar where the alcohol was kept there would be no saving the tavern.
Pothos arrived at the burning tavern
Finds kira under a beam, trapped ,cant get her out?
goblins come in so she runs but gudar trys to stay
Gudar is 100% hates her the most