haha aw shit by Iltiari | World Anvil

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Sat 25th Jan 2020 11:41

haha aw shit

by Iltiari

Something dreadful is brewing in Aerenal. The past twenty-four-- forty-two? more than that?-- hours have been... eye-opening. I am not sure what conclusions to draw from them.
We found a tavern in the middle of the woods and, like true instigators of social revolutions, we supported the business in solidarity of a man who was dodging landlords and the police. He also was willing to serve Glo and I alcohol, which I mean... no one can really tell that I am only eighteen, because I am tall as shit. Rimaia tried being a fucking god cop again and yelled at me for giving Glo wine but what else is new?
But uh... It was not a good idea in the first place for any of us to consume this man's food and drink. Because he drugged us. And kidnapped us.
When we woke up... shit. The stress I felt in that moment still wells in my belly as I remember it. Face down on the floor, cheek pressed to cold stone and attempting to move both arms... and only one arm active. Trying to push up but being weighed down by half of my body. Unable to bend the fingers of my right hand because it is not even my own hand anymore, it is cold, heavy limestone, it is the arm of Myllandra, my angel, my abuser, my birthright... and unable to hear His voice in my head any longer. And Old Bay in his new, wonderful, jingly form, gone. The pain I felt in that moment nearly overwhelmed the panic, but there were bigger issues at hand (pun... not intended).
Glo tried to message at me and I could not hear her, and her magic was siphoned out of her and away. Everything had been taken from us, including Zsoana and Nabeth's fucking kidneys. Their FUCKING kidneys. And Damiel's highly dangerous bag of fuckshit. And if we had not been able to escape our jail cells (Bell punched us out of most of them, and I had to be used as a battering ram a few times with the weight of my arm) we would have been sucked dry of our magic, and then our life forces, and left husks of ourselves on the stone floors.
Being physically useless I had to just be tall and scary-looking, and I nearly scared a group of guards into class solidarity, but they eventually just got sick of us, and also Damiel killed many of the workers we soon encountered. He got his belongings back in a very quiet rage (he might have gotten concussed) and he did not speak much, so that... was good.
We met a demon named Boris, and according to Rimaia this is a very bad thing but personally, I enjoyed his company. I had to throw him into the void, though. Glo recognized him, and that is a good bit startling to me. Glo and I can communicate telepathically using an enchantment she put on one of our Cloaks of the Manta Ray, which frankly I worry about the fact that she is being 'inspired' by Damiel. I wonder about her sometimes- not much younger than me, but mute, and with some strange connection to the demon we encountered in the lab. And the lab... they were stealing our magic, and the magic of many beings they had kidnapped before us, including Hail's father, who luckily is alive and with us.
How long has this been going on? How many other labs are there out there, and why and HOW are they able to steal the magic of other creatures so easily? Why and how did they summon a DEMON to protect their secret going-ons?
I do not ever want to feel that vulnerable and useless again. Through Him I am strong, and valuable, and worthy of respect. I have earned my power from Him and no one has the right to take that away from me. If this underground ring is spread throughout the land of Aerenal, I want it destroyed.