okay so i got attacked by a hummingbird so what man so WHAT by Iltiari | World Anvil

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Tue 4th Feb 2020 09:26

okay so i got attacked by a hummingbird so what man so WHAT

by Iltiari

Another day of vaguely dangerous and embarrassing situations. But you know what I got? A baguette and a brioche. And those were fucking good. I cannot taste a lot of food because well I do not know everything just kind of tastes like salt water? In a bad way. But I enjoyed that bread. And Rimaia paid me in a baguette to distract Damiel with Snom Bay (formerly Old Bay. Should I do a fancy spelling? Snombey? Snombea?) because my perfect child is soft and wonderful, and it worked and now Rimaia is going to do... something, I am not sure. She is being all weeeird around Damiel lately, especially after he hit his head and maybe could have died. Also Glo helped escort Hail's dad back to the Southern Jungle and I think that I miss her, which is not a feeling I think that I have ever felt. It is good to smile and laugh with someone. She is very kind and seems to seek my companionship as well.
Okay so, the hummingbird. Yes. We took a job in the town we came across from this dwarven fellow who wanted us to go out into the woods and help a professor in collecting live specimens of animals that had gone not just rabid but SUPER rabid. There were many attempts. Then a hummingbird attacked me and I flailed around like a fool in front of my compatriots and Damiel drugged it to sleep. So I helped! Fuck!
The source of the super rabies was some sort of pot in a cave that was spilling some green stuff into the river that the animals were drinking from. I staged a hostile takeover of the facility and scared a bunch of kobolds and goblins into submission, and Damiel blew them the hell up. Those are quite frankly our most notable skill sets.
Now a friend of Bell's is with us, a tall goblin who has lost his... weasel? And he is rude. But I can be rude too plus I am used to Damiel by now so it does not matter much to me. If he parts from us, Bell will go with him. Can I say that I will miss her? No. I tend to carry zero sentiment for others in my heart, and though I appreciate her vigor and occasional usefulness, I have no taste for drama nor forced civility. She can carry on her way, and I will continue on the path He has led me down with these other strange companions I have made.
I really think, despite myself, I miss Glo. I will allow myself this single heartfelt thought. I hope she returns soon.