Aboard the Joyful Damnation by Damiel | World Anvil

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Garland Moon

Aboard the Joyful Damnation

by Damiel Morgethai

Sailing is an awful experience. I, and Rimaia as well, seem to suffer from seasickness. I have crafted a potion which suppresses the symptoms but it unpleasant all the same. We, or more specifically Zsoana, have come into possession of a ship.
I believe we have slain a god? It is a shame its body sunk beneath the waves, for I would very much like to study it. The things one could create from the flesh of the divine! It would be excellent to compare should I ever get to study a demon, which is seeming more likely as we continue in this little quest of ours.
We are currently in the middle of the ocean and the nearest port is this Necropolis on Sea place. The name is not particularly promising, but perhaps it is another one of those strange things the mortals seem to enjoy doing with naming. One can but hope, I suppose ... this is going to be a disaster like everything else...

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  1. Town of Bumble
    Fawn Moon
  2. Redcastle/AllCrims Night
    Fawn Moon
  3. Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern
    Fawn Moon
  4. Tavern Near Contaminated Woods
    Fawn Moon
  5. A Week North of Damerel
    Garland Moon
  6. Caster Falls
    Garland Moon
  7. Aboard the Joyful Damnation
    Garland Moon
  8. Necropolis-On-Sea
    Garland Moon
  9. Outside A Cave in the Southern Jungles
    Summer Moon
  10. Near Margoth's Encampment
    Summer Moon
  11. After Returning Hyrsam
    Summer Moon
  12. Wright
    Summer Moon
  13. Damerel
    Garland Moon