Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern by Damiel | World Anvil

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Fawn Moon

Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern

by Damiel Morgethai

Important: Notes have been looked through, check for damage, changes, etc. Check Willow.
Someone had found information on how to bring a demon to this plain. Concerning. Look into.
-Said that the veil between plains has grown thinner. Why? How? Something on their side or ours?
-Smaller one-capture? May have what I need. Further experimentation necessary.
Tazra and M. Channail
-Dealing with forces they can not possibly understand. Like children in a lab, dangerous.
-Only Rimaia seems to understand the overarching danger. Do the others know nothing of the Incursion and its horrors? This may prove problematic.
-M. Channail just underling.
-What are they after?
Coming across many questions with no answers, would be easier with proper library.

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  1. Town of Bumble
    Fawn Moon
  2. Redcastle/AllCrims Night
    Fawn Moon
  3. Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern
    Fawn Moon
  4. Tavern Near Contaminated Woods
    Fawn Moon
  5. A Week North of Damerel
    Garland Moon
  6. Caster Falls
    Garland Moon
  7. Aboard the Joyful Damnation
    Garland Moon
  8. Necropolis-On-Sea
    Garland Moon
  9. Outside A Cave in the Southern Jungles
    Summer Moon
  10. Near Margoth's Encampment
    Summer Moon
  11. After Returning Hyrsam
    Summer Moon
  12. Wright
    Summer Moon
  13. Damerel
    Garland Moon