Caster Falls by Damiel | World Anvil

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Garland Moon

Caster Falls

by Damiel Morgethai

We have taken magical storage devices from Channail's mechanical device. I have also acquired the blueprints and notes about the machines. This is not my area of expertise, but perhaps I can make something of them.
In Caster Falls there is an interesting pair of small mortals who create rather interesting weapons. They could be interesting to work with in the future. Their engineering and my alchemy could pair well, I have already improved the weapon Zsoana bought from them. While we are in this town we must visit the Cult of Daimos to obtain information on the possible location of Tazra.
Also, I suppose we have a ship now? I hope one of these idiots actually knows how to sail it.

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  1. Town of Bumble
    Fawn Moon
  2. Redcastle/AllCrims Night
    Fawn Moon
  3. Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern
    Fawn Moon
  4. Tavern Near Contaminated Woods
    Fawn Moon
  5. A Week North of Damerel
    Garland Moon
  6. Caster Falls
    Garland Moon
  7. Aboard the Joyful Damnation
    Garland Moon
  8. Necropolis-On-Sea
    Garland Moon
  9. Outside A Cave in the Southern Jungles
    Summer Moon
  10. Near Margoth's Encampment
    Summer Moon
  11. After Returning Hyrsam
    Summer Moon
  12. Wright
    Summer Moon
  13. Damerel
    Garland Moon