Wright by Damiel | World Anvil

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Summer Moon


by Damiel Morgethai

Our little recruitment attempt has gone better than expected. We got the Navy on our side, which was the most important thing, so we have out fleet. We also have Risf now. He is ... not that different than he was the first time I met him, just a change in coloration. Rimaia is acting oddly about him, so perhaps I am simply not privy to it. I shall have to get him alone and have a proper conversation to see if he really has the knowledge we need. Zsoana and Glow brought back a stray with them after their trip to the commercial district. He is a fallen aasimar who calls himself Dagon. There is something extremely ... wrong about his sword. I do not think it is safe to be around, not that anyone else seems overly concerned. They never do. One day that's going to come back to bite them.
Radiance might become a problem. She insists on putting making up with her sister over the fate of the world. I do not think she quite understands what is happening right now. Even if her sister was a saint not doing this of her own free will, her life means nothing in comparison to OUR ENTIRE REALM. Perhaps she and the rest of these mortals do not remember the horrors of the first incursion, but my people do. My parents and eldest sibling fought in that war and I will not let them go through that again. If she threatens this mission I will kill her. Does her goddess know how selfish she is? I imagine if her goddess did know, we would have three fallen aasimar on our team. Perhaps she needs reminding of that.
There is something off about Lt. Gore. He looks like a human, but he does not feel like one. The feeling I get being around him is not dissimilar to that of Lady Aurilandir and the fey, but it is not the same. No, he is no fey, but he is something. The man is no simple mortal.
We will leave for Dread Isle tomorrow. There are all sorts of stories about the dangers of making the journey there. I suppose we shall see how many of them a true.

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