Near Margoth's Encampment by Damiel | World Anvil

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Summer Moon

Near Margoth's Encampment

by Damiel Morgethai

We had the honor of meeting the Winter Queen. An entrance to her realm was placed here in this godsforsaken jungle and it allowed me, and by extension, the others, in. I had the opportunity to see snow again, and pine trees. The queen and her Eladrin brought me directly into her court where I was invited to speak with and learn from them. This is the first time since the early years of my apprenticeship that I have met anyone with enough knowledge to truly teach me. The fey are true immortals, they need never worry about death and so their access to knowledge is nearly unlimited.
I want that. I want for my people to have that. To never again mourn and to be able to discover all there is to know.
I will make it happen. My work is starting to show real progress and when it is finished I will have stopped death. I will have made up for my mistake. I will be allowed to return home.
I want to go home.

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  1. Town of Bumble
    Fawn Moon
  2. Redcastle/AllCrims Night
    Fawn Moon
  3. Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern
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  4. Tavern Near Contaminated Woods
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  5. A Week North of Damerel
    Garland Moon
  6. Caster Falls
    Garland Moon
  7. Aboard the Joyful Damnation
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  8. Necropolis-On-Sea
    Garland Moon
  9. Outside A Cave in the Southern Jungles
    Summer Moon
  10. Near Margoth's Encampment
    Summer Moon
  11. After Returning Hyrsam
    Summer Moon
  12. Wright
    Summer Moon
  13. Damerel
    Garland Moon