A Week North of Damerel by Damiel | World Anvil

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Garland Moon

A Week North of Damerel

by Damiel Morgethai

M. Channail is dead. This is pleasing. We also found one of his and Tazra's little projects and put an end to it. They seemed to be building mechanical weaponry, which leads me to wonder what they need it for. I doubt the others will think to wonder the same. Large amounts of magical energy, strengthening potions, and mechanical weaponry. Alone they are concerning enough, but together ... what if ...
We had only just managed to get rid of Bell and now they've picked up another stray. This one at least seems to be better behaved, though the odd overreactions from the rest of the group may prove to be just as tiresome. On second thought, that seems rather unlikely. I have yet to decide this new one's usefulness. She has the ability to pour damaging light from her body, but it seem to tire or weaken her greatly. I shall be sure to study it and her thoroughly; perhaps I can harness the power for myself or at least stop her negative reaction to it so she becomes less of a liability. She too is after Tazra. I suppose with an operation this large, even if it has been kept relatively secret, it would be impossible for Tazra to not have made a few more enemies. So long as this new addition does not hinder us I do not particularly care what her motives are.

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  1. Town of Bumble
    Fawn Moon
  2. Redcastle/AllCrims Night
    Fawn Moon
  3. Middle of Forest by Burning Tavern
    Fawn Moon
  4. Tavern Near Contaminated Woods
    Fawn Moon
  5. A Week North of Damerel
    Garland Moon
  6. Caster Falls
    Garland Moon
  7. Aboard the Joyful Damnation
    Garland Moon
  8. Necropolis-On-Sea
    Garland Moon
  9. Outside A Cave in the Southern Jungles
    Summer Moon
  10. Near Margoth's Encampment
    Summer Moon
  11. After Returning Hyrsam
    Summer Moon
  12. Wright
    Summer Moon
  13. Damerel
    Garland Moon