Damerel by Damiel | World Anvil

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Garland Moon


by Damiel Morgethai

M. Channail is an idiot of an alchemist. He must just randomly throw ingredients together. The moron probably still uses a cauldron to brew, like a first year apprentice child. It should have been simple to deconstruct his "elixir" and create and antidote, but there were so many random, and often contradictory ingredients, thrown together that it took a day instead of mere hours. However, it does appear that I was correct about the "elixir" being a scheme to secure funding for a larger project, perhaps the magic lab when it was still in operation, though I am sure that the money has since been diverted elsewhere.
On a side note, it appears the group can not be left unsupervised for a minute before some disaster befalls them. I took my eyes off them for one afternoon in order to synthesize an antidote and when they come back, half the part has been turned into animals and the other half is bleeding out. And Channail escaped. But at least the got the goblins little weasel. Joy.
The annoyance has finally taken her leave, with the goblin and its pet.
Rimaia has decided that she wishes to court me. I find this odd, but she is one of the most tolerable mortals I have met, so I see no harm in it for now. She may even prove to be a decent companion. To that end I have given her a trial period of a few months so that she might find her footing and work through any lacking or incorrect information that idiot Bell gave her about proper elven courting. After the trial period I will expect her to be able to court me properly, at which point we shall determine whether this relationship is feasible. Everyone is acting very strangely about the whole situation, though I suppose there is no accounting for mortals and their odd emotional reactions to everything. As an aside, I did not notice any signs before now that Rimaia was interested in this, but perhaps I missed them? It is so hard to tell in this ridiculous kingdom, everyone walks around with their sex on full display as though they were preparing to court. Their language has far too many pronouns as well, I still do not fully understand the purpose of them all.

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